Cannot upgrade FOG 1.5.4 to 1.5.6, Maria DB issue
I’m running MariaDB and it updates directly from Maria DB repo:
===================================================================================================================================================================================================== Package Arch Version Repository Size ===================================================================================================================================================================================================== Installing: MariaDB-client x86_64 10.3.16-1.el7.centos mariadb MariaDB-common x86_64 10.3.16-1.el7.centos mariadb MariaDB-compat x86_64 10.3.16-1.el7.centos mariadb MariaDB-devel x86_64 10.3.16-1.el7.centos mariadb MariaDB-server x86_64 10.3.16-1.el7.centos mariadb
I can actively connect to it via msql -u -p so it is running, it’s where I pulled the version info from.
The other error logs don’t look to have anything extra in them.
Have I gone too far in terms of Maria DB versions? Should I aim to remove the MariaDB repo and rely solely on the CentOS versioning?
@jam1987 I’m going to suspect a db version mismatch. Let me look into the installer script to see what its failing on.
@jam1987 If you simply rerun the installer does it:
- Attempt to reinstall mariadb again?
- Get passed the db check?
@jam1987 Looking at the code it appears the error message should be in
as the results of the package check (where its currently failing). -
This is the start of the error log, sorry I didn’t realize there was this one in there.
/usr/bin/lsb_release /usr/bin/systemctl ln: failed to create symbolic link ‘/usr/lib/systemd/system/mysql.service’: File exists ln: failed to create symbolic link ‘/usr/lib/systemd/system/mysqld.service’: File exists ln: failed to create symbolic link ‘/etc/systemd/system/mysql.service’: File exists ln: failed to create symbolic link ‘/etc/systemd/system/mysqld.service’: File exists /usr/sbin/sestatus /usr/sbin/iptables /opt/fog/.fogsettings epel-release-7-11.noarch package remi-release-7 is not installed Retrieving Preparing... ######################################## package remi-release-7.6-2.el7.remi.noarch is already installed Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, langpacks
I’ve attached the log file to.
I ran the upgrade again and it gave the same error.
@jam1987 Error from the log seems to be:
Package 1:mariadb-server-5.5.60-1.el7_5.x86_64 is obsoleted by MariaDB-server-10.3.16-1.el7.centos.x86_64 which is already installed
I’ll look into this later on. I thought we had fixed this in the installer some time ago.
@jam1987 I know this is a bit ugly. Even though we try to keep up with those special things in all distros/repos like camel case package names it doesn’t work all the time.
In your case I’d suggest you simply edit your
. I reckon it hasmariadb mariadb-server
in the packages line. Just make itMariaDB MariaDB-server
and try again. -
@Sebastian-Roth I’ve made the change to the /otp/fog/.fog settings:
packages='bc curl gcc gcc-c++ genisoimage gzip httpd lftp m4 make MariaDB MariaDB-server mod_ssl mtools net-tools nfs-utils php php-bcmath php-cli php-common php-fpm php-gd php-ldap php-mbstring php-mcrypt php-mysqlnd php-process syslinux tar tftp-server unzip vsftpd wget xinetd xz-devel '
But it failed on MariaDB again:
* Installation Started * Testing internet connection.................................Done * Adding repository if needed.................................OK * Preparing Package Manager...................................OK * Packages to be installed: bc curl gcc gcc-c++ genisoimage gzip httpd lftp m4 make MariaDB MariaDB-server mod_ssl mtools net-tools nfs-utils php php-bcmath php-cli php-common php-fpm php-gd php-ldap php-mbstring php-mysqlnd php-process syslinux tar tftp-server unzip vsftpd wget xinetd xz-devel * Skipping package: bc......................................(Already Installed) * Skipping package: curl....................................(Already Installed) * Skipping package: gcc.....................................(Already Installed) * Skipping package: gcc-c++.................................(Already Installed) * Skipping package: genisoimage.............................(Already Installed) * Skipping package: gzip....................................(Already Installed) * Skipping package: httpd...................................(Already Installed) * Skipping package: lftp....................................(Already Installed) * Skipping package: m4......................................(Already Installed) * Skipping package: make....................................(Already Installed) * Installing package: MariaDB.................................OK * Skipping package: MariaDB-server..........................(Already Installed) * Skipping package: mod_ssl.................................(Already Installed) * Skipping package: mtools..................................(Already Installed) * Skipping package: net-tools...............................(Already Installed) * Skipping package: nfs-utils...............................(Already Installed) * Skipping package: php.....................................(Already Installed) * Skipping package: php-bcmath..............................(Already Installed) * Skipping package: php-cli.................................(Already Installed) * Skipping package: php-common..............................(Already Installed) * Skipping package: php-fpm.................................(Already Installed) * Skipping package: php-gd..................................(Already Installed) * Skipping package: php-ldap................................(Already Installed) * Skipping package: php-mbstring............................(Already Installed) * Skipping package: php-mysqlnd.............................(Already Installed) * Skipping package: php-process.............................(Already Installed) * Skipping package: syslinux................................(Already Installed) * Skipping package: tar.....................................(Already Installed) * Skipping package: tftp-server.............................(Already Installed) * Skipping package: unzip...................................(Already Installed) * Skipping package: vsftpd..................................(Already Installed) * Skipping package: wget....................................(Already Installed) * Skipping package: xinetd..................................(Already Installed) * Skipping package: xz-devel................................(Already Installed) * Updating packages as needed.................................OK * Confirming package installation * Checking package: bc........................................OK * Checking package: curl......................................OK * Checking package: gcc.......................................OK * Checking package: gcc-c++...................................OK * Checking package: genisoimage...............................OK * Checking package: gzip......................................OK * Checking package: httpd.....................................OK * Checking package: lftp......................................OK * Checking package: m4........................................OK * Checking package: make......................................OK * Checking package: MariaDB...................................Failed!
I’ve attached the log file to: fog_error_1.5.6.log
@jam1987 Sorry, my fault. Should be
MariaDB-client MariaDB-server
I think. Hope I got it right this time. -