Changed kernel name on client page, will not revert.
Ubuntu 12.04
Fog .32We tried to specify a kernel for some netbooks (x131e) after we downloaded and saved as the name Kitchen. Put that in the field after we had manually registered a client to test, but now it ALWAYS looks for that original name we put in the field to specify. I can even change it to FUZZ or something and update and when the client boots it says “cannot find kernel kitchen”. We’ve rebooted the FOG server, deleted the client and re-registered and it still looks for that kernel name we first typed in. We’ve used FOG just fine on a bunch of deploys, this is the only hiccup we’ve had so far.
Thanks! -
check your active tasks window and make sure there are no old tasks out there (If task page is blank, search forums for blank task page fix). If you have no active tasks, look in the /tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg folder to see if you have an old pxe boot file for the device’s MAC address. It’s probably just a stuck job or old file getting in the way.
Thanks, that took care of it, deleted the old pxe boot file and voila’