Boot placa através de live cd/usb
Bom dia!!
Pessoal, trabalho em uma escola e tenho 3 laboratórios com 35 computadores com win7 , e estou com o seguinte problema.
em um desses laboratórios houve uma descarga elétrica e queimou as interface de rede Onbord, instalei novas interface de rede Offbord, porem elas não tem suporte a boot via rede.
gostaria de saber, se existe um modo de fazer o BOOT via live CD/USB e usar as imagens criadas pelo fog? ou acessar o fog atraves de um boot pela USB ou DVD?
tentei fazer com clonezila, porem ele não reconhece as pastas como imagens
Alguem consegue me ajudar
Good Morning!!
Guys, I work in a school and I have 3 labs with 35 computers with win7, and I have the following problem.
in one of these laboratories there was an electric discharge and burned the network interface Onbord, I installed new network interface Offbord, but they do not support boot by network.
I wonder if there is a way to do BOOT via live CD / USB and use the images created by the fog? or access the fire via a USB or DVD boot?
I tried to do with clonezilla, but it does not recognize the folders as images
Can someone help me?
@jsch As far as I know this is the latest tutorial on building a USB boot media:
But still I think that you might run into an issue with that. Multicast might not work with that. We were discussing this in another thread with @george1421 and I am not sure if he was able to confirm multicast to work or not using the USB boot method.
Obrigado!!! consegui fazer ele inicializar, porem me ocorreu esse erro abaixo.
conseguiria me ajudar!
thank you!!! I was able to initialize it, but this error occurred to me.
Could you help me?
@jsch Do you use the FOG DHCP server. I suppose you don’t. Please try changing the PXE filename from
and see if that works for you.