Database connection unavailable
Hi there folks!
Have our fog server running on Windows 10 via Virtual Box (ubuntu) for several months now, with no issues. However, all of a sudden I am getting “Database connection unavailable” message when I attempt to log into the fog admin interface. Hence cannot image machines either.
I have several snapshots taken as backup measures but even I I restore to these the same thing happens?
Does anyone know why this is happening?
Many thanks
See if the steps outline here addresses your issue:
This is usually the case when fog has been working all along and then it stops for no reason with a database connection issue.
@george1421 Thanks all sorted!
for me using ubuntu server 18.04.03 LTS running MariaDB 10.1.41 and FOGPROJECT 1.5.7
this was the final solution
with the installation / upgrade of fogproject choose a password for mysql : type_here_your_fog_database_password
then make sure that password is the same as your mysql database:
login to mysql root with command = mysql -u root
then use following command to make passwords match fogproject
SET PASSWORD FOR ‘root’@‘localhost’ = PASSWORD(‘type_here_your_fog_database_password’);