Can't deploy after migrating
I migrated a FOG server(physical) to another FOG server(VM).
I used the following tutorial:
I migrated the DB aswell. However the new fog server has a larger disk then the first one.
At first the dashboard showed me the older disk size en usage (in the pie chart).
Now i fixed that by changed the IP adres. (still had the old one)The problem i’m now having is that when i try to deploy one of those images, i get the error invalid mac adres when checking mounted file system… (see picture below)
Few things i tried then:
- Changed the interface name to ‘eth0’ it was something else on the old server. (on the fog webportal under settings)
- Changed NFS ETH MONITOR to ‘eth0’ as well
Any ideas here?
Thanks in advance
EDIT: re-running the installer seemed to fix the issue.
@Baessens Maybe i need to change the UID of my FOG installation? ?
Edit: changed the UDPCAST INTERFACE to eth0, still same problem.Also, Is this wrong?
ict@fogserver:/images$ ls dev postdownloadscripts Priminfowin10pro lost+found postinitscripts priminfowin10pronewofficekey ict@fogserver:/images$ cd dev ict@fogserver:/images/dev$ ls dev postdownloadscripts
EDIT: re-running the installer seemed to fix the issue.
Is this quick deploy? Or from the WebUI interface?
It looks like FOS can’t detect the MAC address for some reason, but since you got this far, it must obviously have one or DHCP would have failed much earlier in the process.
I think it’s quick deploy, i just boot a PC to network, login on the FOG server and chose ‘deploy image’.
Also my fog server doesn’t have DHCP server, we use a windows DHCP. -
@Baessens Maybe i need to change the UID of my FOG installation? ?
Edit: changed the UDPCAST INTERFACE to eth0, still same problem.Also, Is this wrong?
ict@fogserver:/images$ ls dev postdownloadscripts Priminfowin10pro lost+found postinitscripts priminfowin10pronewofficekey ict@fogserver:/images$ cd dev ict@fogserver:/images/dev$ ls dev postdownloadscripts
EDIT: re-running the installer seemed to fix the issue.