Volume not found: cant read the following volume file
im using fog .032 and ubuntu 12.10
that would be the index.php located in /var/www/fog/management, I guess how big is that file on your machine? I don’t know why the button wouldn’t be showing up
odd…it looks like it is 8.1 kb…i went in to the file and there seems to be HTML in it…
The problem is the version of PHP that is installed is much newer than the FOG code.
summary: a small amount of code used by FOG was deprecated when it was released and is now unsupported. In the file you need to replace all function calls that pass &$tmp with just $tmp.
it worked!!! now i had a tftp timeout on pxe boot…>LOL
[QUOTE]The problem is the version of PHP that is installed is much newer than the FOG code.
summary: a small amount of code used by FOG was deprecated when it was released and is now unsupported. In the file you need to replace all function calls that pass &$tmp with just $tmp. [/QUOTE]
That’s news to me
Good to know.
For the TFTP problem try [B]sudo service tftpd-hpa restart[/B] and see if that solves your problem