[SOLVED] unable to find stdin.001 - multicast - only with a certain image
I created a new Win 7 image - uploaded to FOG fine. It unicasts fine. However when I try a multicast, immediately after the ‘resizing disk’ page, it comes to a blue screen saying it’s unable to read stdin.001.
Multicast works fine on this server - with other images. It seems to be specific to this one image. Any ideas? The hosts are set to win 7 in the config.
Does this image have a name with spaces or other non-alphanumeric characters?
the image name is as follows:
Same naming convention I’ve been using forever.To test, I renamed the image folder to ‘apd’ and updated the image definition - no change.
The only thing different is the base image im using - i deployed it to this machine with MDT before uploading it to FOG. MDT made a 500mb system hidden partition instead of 100 or 200 like I’ve seen before. Could that have anything to do with it?
hmmm… can you copy and paste the following command into the server and then post the output?
[CODE]ls -lsah /images/Image-20120911/[/CODE] -
fogadmin@rocrtpfog01:/images$ ls -lsah /images/apd/
total 16G
4.0K drw-r-xr-x 2 root root 4.0K 2012-09-11 10:00 .
4.0K drwxr-xr-x 14 fog root 4.0K 2012-09-11 16:12 …
8.7M -rw-r–r-- 1 root root 8.7M 2012-09-11 10:00 rec.img.000
16G -rw-r–r-- 1 root root 16G 2012-09-11 10:26 sys.img.000
fogadmin@rocrtpfog01:/images$ -
Ah, sorry, I forgot you mentioned that you had renamed the image… hmmm… I’ve encountered this message before, but it’s been a while…
And you are able to unicast this image just fine?
Have you tried the steps in [url]http://fogproject.org/wiki/index.php/Troubleshooting_a_multicast[/url]?
Yes, I’m able to unicast it just fine.
As a test, I narrowed it down. If I set the image to Multiple partition - single disk, it unicasts and multicasts fine.
It seems to be an issue specific to this image, and NTFS resizable - single partition
Incase anyone else has this problem - It seems to have resolved it self.
The image I mention above was never sysprepped. I sysprepped it, uploaded it as multiple partition - single disk, and it worked fine multicast. After that I noticed the hidden partition shrunk from 500mb to 100mb. I figured I’d try uploading it as NTFS resizable - and go figure, it works fine multicast now.