Need a little help with MDT 2013 and Lenovo setup
Hello, all,
I’ve been a member for about 2 years now I think and can’t thank you all enough with tutorials I’ve seen
on the site. Ok, so here’s my dilemma. I took a break from all of this because I got swapped with my current position (like desktop support for example). I understand how MDT 2013 works now and all, but has anyone come across after finishing a Windows 10 reference image the administrator account doesn’t have rights to the windows store?Is there a script to allow the account not do so? I was trying to see maybe I can create another account during the MDT to log in after deployment? haven’t found anything on line as yet to add to the MDT task.
Also has anyone used Fog to deploy to different Lenovo ThinkPad models? example, X1 Carbons, T560, T570 & T580? I know there were codes written up for specifically Dell, but just need more steps on preparing for Lenovo laptops. I want to go with the MDT route instead of using audit mode, feel like MDT is the way to go with the unattend.xml, etc…
thank you again.