Is there a way to make the hostname question REQUIRED for the Full Host Registration questions?
People keep leaving it blank and by default it puts the MAC address as the hostname. This is bad because a computer will image and then join the domain with the MAC Address since it becomes the PC name.
Any way to make “enter hostname” required and not allow someone to just press “enter” while leaving it blank?
Not currently in FOG, I’m sure if you had a little bash scripting skills it could be done. Let me take a look.
I’m not a programmer but this looks like the right spot to add that requriement.
Line 168.
... while [[ $res != "#!ok" ]]; do echo -n " * Enter hostname for this computer: " read host if [[ ${#host} -gt 15 ]]; then host=${host:0:15} echo " | Truncated to 15 characters: $host" usleep 2000000 fi host=$(echo $host | base64) ->> Need to check here if blank and then loop back to ask again->> res=$(curl -Lks --data "host=$host" ${web}service/hostnameloop.php 2>/dev/null) [[ $res != "#!ok" ]] && echo "$res" done imageid="" ...
@george1421 yea I see that. I’m not a good programmer as well. If someone knows the command, please feel free to reply within this post.
I am going to try and google my way through this.
Well I have no clue if this will work. But I modified the code using examples around it.
while [[ $res != "#!ok" ]]; do host=""; while [[ $host == "" ]]; do echo -n " * Enter hostname for this computer: " read host if [[ ${#host} -gt 15 ]]; then host=${host:0:15} echo " | Truncated to 15 characters: $host" usleep 2000000 fi host=$(echo $host | base64) done res=$(curl -Lks --data "host=$host" ${web}service/hostnameloop.php 2>/dev/null) [[ $res != "#!ok" ]] && echo "$res" done
So what good does this do you?? You might ask.
Here is what I’m going to recommend.
- Download and install notepad++ (required for a happy life)
- Go to the page I linked below and click on the raw button in the upper left corner. This will give you just the text of the module.
- Copy from the web browser and paste into notepad++
- Make the edits I listed above. Its only 3 lines setting hosts to empty, the while and the done.
- Save the file as
Now here is where things get fun… - Copy that file to the FOG server (you could do all of this on the fog server if it has a gui) into /images/dev/postinitscripts
- Now modify (I need to think about the next bit. But the idea is to “hot patch” the FOS engine to apply your custom file every time FOS boots. FOG has the framework to do this. I just need to get right the first time.)
@george1421 Here is a post and a thread (with developer supplied code) that will hot patch the registration file. This thread was actually someone wanting to create a custom registration process.