New Install - can't get first capture to work
Hello. New to FOG (and very limited Linux experience). I’ve installed a virtual Ubuntu server (v18.04) in our Vmware (ESXi 6.0) environment. Installed Fog Project version 1.5.3 on that server. Booted up my first test laptop (Windows 10 Pro) via network boot and the menu came up for Fog. Did the register for the host and it was added to the dashboard with the name I gave it. Created a new image, then created a task to start immediate. How do I get the capture to start? It seems to just sit there. I tried to install the client on the laptop that I want to capture, but it won’t install via (smartinstaller.exe) Keeps giving me “unable to install CA cert”
The wiki page is pretty good at getting you started:
The basic tasks for a new setup would be to.
- Configure an image under Image Management
- PXE boot a target computer and register the target computer with FOG
- Go to the FOG UI and locate the new registered system, and update the image to match the blank image you created in step 1.
- Then from the same host management page schedule a capture task.
- PXE boot the target computer and the system will capture your image to the blank image definition you created in step 1.
Now for the target computers,
- PXE boot the target computer
- Register the target computer with FOG, assign it to the image name you created above
- At the end of the registration the registration script will ask do you want to image now? Answer yes. The system should reboot and the image will be deployed to the new target.
@george1421 Hi George.
That’s what I’ve been using. re: wiki page.
So I just do another PXE boot on the (host laptop that I want to image)…? And as I’m typing this I started a reboot and…it is now working. I had tried that earlier but it never started. I must have had the wrong info entered somewhere earlier. I deleted everything and re-entered before I started this post, but didn’t do the PXE reboot to kick it off. I can see it spinning in the Fog UI now.THANKS for the quick response!!!
@choag So this issue is okay to solve?
@tom-elliott Yes. Thank you. Image capture completed.