I can't capture my image "mounting partition (/dev/nume0n1p3) failed"
I have a problem when i’m capture my image I have “An error has benn detected!”
mounting partition (/dev/nume0n1p3) …failedI use Dell inspiron 15 7000 Gaming like PC
I can’t understand what’s the problem!!!
I need your help please !!!
Thanks![alt text] ![alt text] -
That’s the image of error message:
https://1drv.ms/u/s!Amg11FB9EoA5nWwmMsUTl1igLg2j -
@Amerhbb Is this Windows 10? Although I have not seen this particular error message yet I suspect the filesystem to have an issue. This could either be caused by fast boot - take a look at this wiki article: https://wiki.fogproject.org/wiki/index.php?title=Windows_Dirty_Bit
Other than that, did you do a full filesystem check yet? If not, please do so!
By the way, which version of FOG do you have?
@sebastian-roth Thanks for your answer the problem sloved, i changer in bios the option it was SATA: RAID. I chose SATA: AHCI becaus I can’t connect to server FOG without this option.
So that’s dommage my OS thast’s the reasn why I can’t creat my image.