[API] How get host id (or name) with mac address
We can do this by listing all host, so we have ~3000 hosts and this is looooooong and heavy, then, do you have a
solution to get host information with mac address with the api, this is a shell script.Fog version: 1.5 rc12
Thanks you
@shiigehiro Just so you know, I am looking at this and trying to find a solution. Please keep checking back.
/fog/host/search/<stringtosearch> (can be hostname, mac address, anything the main pages allow you to search with)
@tom-elliott How can i request to /fog/host/search/xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx ?
I will have an error with this for illegal url chars can i send it with data ?And
return a white page (403 Forbidden error to get the search route)