@dolf It was wrong in the fpm directory, thanks.
Rerunning the service script directly now does nothing. It puts me on a new line and does nothing. The service still does not want to start properly either.
@dolf It was wrong in the fpm directory, thanks.
Rerunning the service script directly now does nothing. It puts me on a new line and does nothing. The service still does not want to start properly either.
/etc/php5/apache2/php.ini? It’s correct in this file. It is America/New_York.
I ran the service script itself for the FOGImageReplicator and this was the output.
root@Fog:~# /opt/fog/service/FOGImageReplicator/FOGImageReplicator
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'DateTimeZone::__construct(): Unknown or bad timezone (America.New_York)' in /var/www/html/fog/lib/fog/fogbase.class.php:93
Stack trace:
#0 [internal function]: DateTimeZone->__construct('America.New_Yor...')
#1 /var/www/html/fog/lib/fog/fogbase.class.php(93): ReflectionClass->newInstance('America.New_Yor...')
#2 /var/www/html/fog/lib/fog/fogbase.class.php(266): FOGBase::getClass('DateTimeZone', 'America.New_Yor...')
#3 /var/www/html/fog/lib/fog/fogbase.class.php(270): FOGBase::nice_date('now', false)
#4 /opt/fog/service/lib/service_lib.php(10): FOGBase->formatTime('now', 'm-d-y g:i:s a')
#5 /opt/fog/service/lib/service_lib.php(44): service_log_message('/opt/fog/log/se...', 'FOGImageReplica...', 'Start')
#6 /opt/fog/service/FOGImageReplicator/FOGImageReplicator(7): service_persist('FOGImageReplica...')
#7 {main}thrown in /var/www/html/fog/lib/fog/fogbase.class.php on line 93
It seems to be seeing something about the timezone, but I went into the fogbase.class.php and found nothing to do with the timezone.
@Wayne-Workman Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, v8533, r5891.
My original problem was that I couldn’t multicast, so the first thing I looked at was whether or not the service was active; it wasn’t. When I attempted to start it myself, it failed.
I have no clue as to what I need to look for to see why this is happening. Please let me know of any relevant logs that I should look through or that I should post here.
Slightly related; the FOGImageReplicator service is also not running and fails to start when requested, but I can still unicast images to clients. Is this normal?
With early hostname enabled and the client told to join AD after imaging, the problem still occurred. Here’s the log from one of the computers that I imaged today that also had the issue. I’m not looking for answers anymore, I’m just going to keep working around it. However, if anyone would like to me to continue running tests or troublingshooting, I’d be more than happy to.
Cheers, everyone.
6/14/2016 11:36 AM Client-Info Client Version: 0.10.6
6/14/2016 11:36 AM Client-Info Client OS: Windows
6/14/2016 11:36 AM Client-Info Server Version: 8060
6/14/2016 11:36 AM Middleware::Response Success
6/14/2016 11:36 AM HostnameChanger Checking Hostname
6/14/2016 11:36 AM HostnameChanger Removing host from active directory
6/14/2016 11:36 AM HostnameChanger The machine is not currently joined to a domain, code = 2692
6/14/2016 11:36 AM HostnameChanger Renaming host to ABLELP-3
6/14/2016 11:36 AM Power Creating shutdown request
6/14/2016 11:36 AM Power Parameters: /r /c "FOG needs to rename your computer" /t 0
6/14/2016 11:37 AM HostnameChanger Success, code = 0
6/14/2016 11:37 AM Power Creating shutdown request
6/14/2016 11:37 AM Power Parameters: /r /c "Host joined to Active Directory, restart required" /t 0
6/14/2016 11:39 AM Client-Info Client Version: 0.10.6
6/14/2016 11:39 AM Client-Info Client OS: Windows
6/14/2016 11:39 AM Client-Info Server Version: 8060
6/14/2016 11:39 AM Middleware::Response Success
6/14/2016 11:39 AM HostnameChanger Checking Hostname
6/14/2016 11:39 AM HostnameChanger Removing host from active directory
6/14/2016 11:39 AM HostnameChanger Success, code = 0
6/14/2016 11:39 AM Power Creating shutdown request
6/14/2016 11:39 AM Power Parameters: /r /c "Host left active directory, restart needed" /t 0
6/14/2016 11:39 AM HostnameChanger Renaming host to ABLELP-3
6/14/2016 11:39 AM Power Creating shutdown request
6/14/2016 11:39 AM Power Parameters: /r /c "FOG needs to rename your computer" /t 0
6/14/2016 11:39 AM HostnameChanger Success, code = 0
6/14/2016 11:39 AM Power Creating shutdown request
6/14/2016 11:39 AM Power Parameters: /r /c "Host joined to Active Directory, restart required" /t 0
6/14/2016 11:41 AM Client-Info Client Version: 0.10.6
6/14/2016 11:41 AM Client-Info Client OS: Windows
6/14/2016 11:41 AM Client-Info Server Version: 8060
6/14/2016 11:41 AM Middleware::Response Success
6/14/2016 11:41 AM HostnameChanger Checking Hostname
6/14/2016 11:41 AM HostnameChanger Removing host from active directory
6/14/2016 11:41 AM HostnameChanger Success, code = 0
6/14/2016 11:41 AM Power Creating shutdown request
6/14/2016 11:41 AM Power Parameters: /r /c "Host left active directory, restart needed" /t 0
6/14/2016 11:41 AM HostnameChanger Renaming host to ABLELP-3
6/14/2016 11:41 AM Power Creating shutdown request
6/14/2016 11:41 AM Power Parameters: /r /c "FOG needs to rename your computer" /t 0
6/14/2016 11:41 AM HostnameChanger Success, code = 0
6/14/2016 11:41 AM Power Creating shutdown request
6/14/2016 11:41 AM Power Parameters: /r /c "Host joined to Active Directory, restart required" /t 0
6/14/2016 11:43 AM Client-Info Client Version: 0.10.6
6/14/2016 11:43 AM Client-Info Client OS: Windows
6/14/2016 11:43 AM Client-Info Server Version: 8060
6/14/2016 11:43 AM Middleware::Response Success
6/14/2016 11:43 AM HostnameChanger Checking Hostname
6/14/2016 11:43 AM HostnameChanger Removing host from active directory
6/14/2016 11:43 AM HostnameChanger Success, code = 0
6/14/2016 11:43 AM Power Creating shutdown request
6/14/2016 11:43 AM Power Parameters: /r /c "Host left active directory, restart needed" /t 0
6/14/2016 11:43 AM HostnameChanger Renaming host to ABLELP-3
6/14/2016 11:43 AM Power Creating shutdown request
6/14/2016 11:43 AM Power Parameters: /r /c "FOG needs to rename your computer" /t 0
6/14/2016 11:43 AM HostnameChanger Unknown Return Code: 1115
6/14/2016 11:45 AM Client-Info Client Version: 0.10.6
6/14/2016 11:45 AM Client-Info Client OS: Windows
6/14/2016 11:45 AM Client-Info Server Version: 8060
6/14/2016 11:45 AM Middleware::Response Success
6/14/2016 11:45 AM HostnameChanger Checking Hostname
6/14/2016 11:45 AM HostnameChanger Removing host from active directory
6/14/2016 11:45 AM HostnameChanger The machine is not currently joined to a domain, code = 2692
6/14/2016 11:45 AM HostnameChanger Renaming host to ABLELP-3
6/14/2016 11:45 AM Power Creating shutdown command in 60 seconds
6/14/2016 11:45 AM Bus {
"self": true,
"channel": "Power",
"data": "{\r\n \"action\": \"request\",\r\n \"period\": 60,\r\n \"options\": 2,\r\n \"command\": \"/r /c \\\"FOG needs to rename your computer\\\" /t 0\",\r\n \"message\": \"This computer needs to perform maintenance.\"\r\n}"
6/14/2016 11:45 AM Bus Emmiting message on channel: Power
6/14/2016 11:45 AM Service Power operation being requested, checking back in 30 seconds
6/14/2016 11:45 AM Service Power operation being requested, checking back in 30 seconds
6/14/2016 11:46 AM Power Creating shutdown request
6/14/2016 11:46 AM Power Parameters: /r /c "FOG needs to rename your computer" /t 0
6/14/2016 11:46 AM Service Power operation being requested, checking back in 30 seconds
6/14/2016 11:46 AM Bus {
"self": true,
"channel": "Power",
"data": "{\r\n \"action\": \"shuttingdown\"\r\n}"
6/14/2016 11:46 AM Bus Emmiting message on channel: Power
6/14/2016 11:47 AM Main Overriding exception handling
6/14/2016 11:47 AM Main Bootstrapping Zazzles
6/14/2016 11:47 AM Controller Initialize
6/14/2016 11:47 AM Entry Creating obj
6/14/2016 11:47 AM Controller Start
6/14/2016 11:47 AM Service Starting service
6/14/2016 11:48 AM Bus Became bus server
6/14/2016 11:48 AM Bus {
"self": true,
"channel": "Status",
"data": "{\r\n \"action\": \"load\"\r\n}"
6/14/2016 11:48 AM Bus Emmiting message on channel: Status
6/14/2016 11:48 AM Client-Info Client Version: 0.10.6
6/14/2016 11:48 AM Client-Info Client OS: Windows
6/14/2016 11:48 AM Client-Info Server Version: 8060
6/14/2016 11:48 AM Middleware::Response Success
6/14/2016 11:48 AM HostnameChanger Checking Hostname
6/14/2016 11:48 AM HostnameChanger Hostname is correct
6/14/2016 11:48 AM HostnameChanger Success, code = 0
6/14/2016 11:48 AM Power Creating shutdown request
6/14/2016 11:48 AM Power Parameters: /r /c "Host joined to Active Directory, restart required" /t 0
I checked through our unattended file and made sure the computer name string is not there. I unchecked the early hostname changer earlier in the thread for trouble shooting, but the issue was still happening. I’ve since updated the server, so I’ll set it back and retry some imaging with the computers told to join the domain. What I’ve been doing is just making sure to disable domain joining after tasks until the computer is at the first logon screen. At that point, setupcomplete.cmd has started the fog service and the hostname is always correct, so once told to join the domain it happens without the original issue being present. I’ll ignore what I’ve been doing and see where the early hostname changer gets me.
I know you’re a highly trained professional and don’t need to hear about the unforeseen consequences, Mr. Freeman, but I do have a question about it. I have made sure to disable the fog service before sysprepping, and our setupcomplete.cmd turns it back on after the unattended setup has already completed. Is this all that you were referencing?
Again, thanks for the help, everyone. What what you’ve all told me, it seems to just be a freak issue. If it continues after a few trunk updates, I’ll come back and detail any related issues or findings.
Grace timeout is set to 60, check in timeout is 600.
As far as third party apps, we have Office 2016, Java, and Silverlight. The install is just standard Windows 10 Enterprise.
@Quazz After updating Fog, should I reboot the server?
After updating Fog, the issue is still occurring.
@Quazz Ah. I was taught on the principle of “if it’s working, don’t fix it.” So even if it’s a small issue such as this, updating is the goto option? Fog’s updating as I type. I’ll try that from now on. I’ll report back if the issue keeps happening.
Thanks for all of your help, everyone!
@Tom-Elliott We never update fog unless we have major issues with it. Windows 10 was actually what made us get away from .32. Should I try updating it?
I’m starting the image process as I am typing this.
The fog service has been disabled in this image and the setupcomplete.cmd has been removed, so the service should not start again. The early hostname changer has been disabled as well.
Imaging is complete. The unattended setup is occurring now.
Just logged on for the first time. It has a default hostname and the fog service is not running.
After 30 minutes, nothing has changed. Nothing has called for the computer to restart.
After a manual restart, the same has been observed. The hostname is still default and the service is not running. I am going to start the service and see what happens. It should try to change the hostname and join the domain, as both settings are there. I will check the default computers OU and see what appears after the first reboot.
After the manual reboot, the computer made it to the log on screen but soon rebooted. The default computer name never showed up into the default OU, but the specified name on fog did. This means that the original issue did not occur.
6/9/2016 12:43 PM Client-Info Client Version: 0.10.6
6/9/2016 12:43 PM Client-Info Client OS: Windows
6/9/2016 12:43 PM Client-Info Server Version: 7541
6/9/2016 12:43 PM Middleware::Response Success
6/9/2016 12:43 PM HostnameChanger Users still logged in and enforce is disabled, delaying any further actions
6/9/2016 12:45 PM Client-Info Client Version: 0.10.6
6/9/2016 12:45 PM Client-Info Client OS: Windows
6/9/2016 12:45 PM Client-Info Server Version: 7541
6/9/2016 12:45 PM Middleware::Response Success
6/9/2016 12:45 PM HostnameChanger Users still logged in and enforce is disabled, delaying any further actions
6/9/2016 12:48 PM Client-Info Client Version: 0.10.6
6/9/2016 12:48 PM Client-Info Client OS: Windows
6/9/2016 12:48 PM Client-Info Server Version: 7541
6/9/2016 12:48 PM Middleware::Response Success
6/9/2016 12:48 PM HostnameChanger Checking Hostname
6/9/2016 12:48 PM HostnameChanger Removing host from active directory
6/9/2016 12:48 PM HostnameChanger The machine is not currently joined to a domain, code = 2692
6/9/2016 12:48 PM HostnameChanger Renaming host to TESTLP
6/9/2016 12:48 PM Power Creating shutdown request
6/9/2016 12:48 PM Power Parameters: /r /c "FOG needs to rename your computer" /t 0
6/9/2016 12:48 PM HostnameChanger Unknown Return Code: 1364
6/9/2016 12:49 PM Client-Info Client Version: 0.10.6
6/9/2016 12:49 PM Client-Info Client OS: Windows
6/9/2016 12:49 PM Client-Info Server Version: 7541
6/9/2016 12:49 PM Middleware::Response Success
6/9/2016 12:49 PM HostnameChanger Checking Hostname
6/9/2016 12:49 PM HostnameChanger Hostname is correct
6/9/2016 12:49 PM HostnameChanger Success, code = 0
6/9/2016 12:49 PM Power Creating shutdown request
6/9/2016 12:49 PM Power Parameters: /r /c "Host joined to Active Directory, restart required" /t 0
Does this look normal? If any of you would like me to test another factor, just let me know what to do and I’ll get it done.
On another note, I imaged 20 computers this morning while I was watching this test machine was working. I told them not to join the domain until after they were all correctly named and they all joined the domain correctly. The issue only happens when the machine has not been renamed already.
@george1421 That’s how I have our fog service set up as well; Setupcomplete.cmd sets it back to auto. I’m assuming you want me to disable the early hostname changer too since you said the name of the machine should be the Windows default.
To note before I start this; if the client isn’t told to join the domain, it wont, even if the fog service is running.
I’ll get back to you with the results!
@george1421 That string is not in our unattend file.
@Wayne-Workman The error stated in the OP doesn’t occur if I tell the machine to join the domain after the fog service is done with post-image tasks.
6/8/2016 11:57 AM Client-Info Client Version: 0.10.6
6/8/2016 11:57 AM Client-Info Client OS: Windows
6/8/2016 11:57 AM Client-Info Server Version: 7541
6/8/2016 11:57 AM Middleware::Response Success
6/8/2016 11:57 AM HostnameChanger Checking Hostname
6/8/2016 11:57 AM HostnameChanger Removing host from active directory
6/8/2016 11:57 AM HostnameChanger ERROR: Required ADDom information is missing
6/8/2016 11:57 AM HostnameChanger Renaming host to DIESEL-1
6/8/2016 11:57 AM Power Creating shutdown request
6/8/2016 11:57 AM Power Parameters: /r /c "FOG needs to rename your computer" /t 0
6/8/2016 12:00 PM Client-Info Client Version: 0.10.6
6/8/2016 12:00 PM Client-Info Client OS: Windows
6/8/2016 12:00 PM Client-Info Server Version: 7541
6/8/2016 12:00 PM Middleware::Response Success
6/8/2016 12:00 PM HostnameChanger Checking Hostname
6/8/2016 12:00 PM HostnameChanger Hostname is correct
***Hostname Logs show same as above 6 lines until told to join domain***
6/8/2016 12:09 PM Client-Info Client Version: 0.10.6
6/8/2016 12:09 PM Client-Info Client OS: Windows
6/8/2016 12:09 PM Client-Info Server Version: 7541
6/8/2016 12:09 PM Middleware::Response Success
6/8/2016 12:09 PM HostnameChanger Checking Hostname
6/8/2016 12:09 PM HostnameChanger Hostname is correct
6/8/2016 12:09 PM HostnameChanger Success, code = 0
6/8/2016 12:09 PM Power Creating shutdown command in 60 seconds
6/8/2016 12:09 PM Bus {
"self": true,
"channel": "Power",
"data": "{\r\n \"action\": \"request\",\r\n \"period\": 60,\r\n \"options\": 2,\r\n \"command\": \"/r /c \\\"Host joined to Active Directory, restart required\\\" /t 0\",\r\n \"message\": \"This computer needs to perform maintenance.\"\r\n}"
6/8/2016 12:09 PM Bus Emmiting message on channel: Power
6/8/2016 12:09 PM Service Power operation being requested, checking back in 30 seconds
6/8/2016 12:11 PM Main Overriding exception handling
6/8/2016 12:11 PM Main Bootstrapping Zazzles
6/8/2016 12:11 PM Controller Initialize
6/8/2016 12:11 PM Entry Creating obj
6/8/2016 12:11 PM Controller Start
6/8/2016 12:11 PM Service Starting service
6/8/2016 12:11 PM Bus Became bus server
6/8/2016 12:11 PM Bus {
"self": true,
"channel": "Status",
"data": "{\r\n \"action\": \"load\"\r\n}"
6/8/2016 12:11 PM Bus Emmiting message on channel: Status
6/8/2016 12:11 PM Client-Info Client Version: 0.10.6
6/8/2016 12:11 PM Client-Info Client OS: Windows
6/8/2016 12:11 PM Client-Info Server Version: 7541
6/8/2016 12:11 PM Middleware::Response Success
6/8/2016 12:11 PM HostnameChanger Checking Hostname
6/8/2016 12:11 PM HostnameChanger Hostname is correct
6/8/2016 12:11 PM HostnameChanger Host is already joined to target domain
@Wayne-Workman The problem has been happening to all machines indiscriminately. Each image is made on that respective model of computer, so the only thing different would be drivers installed on each image. We use the same unattend file for each image.
@Wayne-Workman We never push out the client. There is only one installed, as well as only one service running.
Here’s all the hostname data from the log.
6/8/2016 10:36 AM Client-Info Client Version: 0.10.6
6/8/2016 10:36 AM Client-Info Client OS: Windows
6/8/2016 10:36 AM Client-Info Server Version: 7541
6/8/2016 10:36 AM Middleware::Response Success
6/8/2016 10:36 AM HostnameChanger Checking Hostname
6/8/2016 10:36 AM HostnameChanger Removing host from active directory
6/8/2016 10:36 AM HostnameChanger The machine is not currently joined to a domain, code = 2692
6/8/2016 10:36 AM HostnameChanger Renaming host to DIESEL-1
6/8/2016 10:36 AM Power Creating shutdown request
6/8/2016 10:36 AM Power Parameters: /r /c "FOG needs to rename your computer" /t 0
6/8/2016 10:36 AM HostnameChanger Success, code = 0
6/8/2016 10:36 AM Power Creating shutdown request
6/8/2016 10:36 AM Power Parameters: /r /c "Host joined to Active Directory, restart required" /t 0
6/8/2016 10:39 AM Client-Info Client Version: 0.10.6
6/8/2016 10:39 AM Client-Info Client OS: Windows
6/8/2016 10:39 AM Client-Info Server Version: 7541
6/8/2016 10:39 AM Middleware::Response Success
6/8/2016 10:39 AM HostnameChanger Checking Hostname
6/8/2016 10:39 AM HostnameChanger Removing host from active directory
6/8/2016 10:39 AM HostnameChanger Success, code = 0
6/8/2016 10:39 AM Power Creating shutdown request
6/8/2016 10:39 AM Power Parameters: /r /c "Host left active directory, restart needed" /t 0
6/8/2016 10:39 AM HostnameChanger Renaming host to DIESEL-1
6/8/2016 10:39 AM Power Creating shutdown request
6/8/2016 10:39 AM Power Parameters: /r /c "FOG needs to rename your computer" /t 0
6/8/2016 10:39 AM HostnameChanger Success, code = 0
6/8/2016 10:39 AM Power Creating shutdown request
6/8/2016 10:39 AM Power Parameters: /r /c "Host joined to Active Directory, restart required" /t 0
6/8/2016 10:41 AM Client-Info Client Version: 0.10.6
6/8/2016 10:41 AM Client-Info Client OS: Windows
6/8/2016 10:41 AM Client-Info Server Version: 7541
6/8/2016 10:41 AM Middleware::Response Success
6/8/2016 10:41 AM HostnameChanger Checking Hostname
6/8/2016 10:41 AM HostnameChanger Removing host from active directory
6/8/2016 10:41 AM HostnameChanger Success, code = 0
6/8/2016 10:41 AM Power Creating shutdown request
6/8/2016 10:41 AM Power Parameters: /r /c "Host left active directory, restart needed" /t 0
6/8/2016 10:41 AM HostnameChanger Renaming host to DIESEL-1
6/8/2016 10:41 AM Power Creating shutdown request
6/8/2016 10:41 AM Power Parameters: /r /c "FOG needs to rename your computer" /t 0
6/8/2016 10:41 AM HostnameChanger Success, code = 0
6/8/2016 10:41 AM Power Creating shutdown request
6/8/2016 10:41 AM Power Parameters: /r /c "Host joined to Active Directory, restart required" /t 0
6/8/2016 10:44 AM Client-Info Client Version: 0.10.6
6/8/2016 10:44 AM Client-Info Client OS: Windows
6/8/2016 10:44 AM Client-Info Server Version: 7541
6/8/2016 10:44 AM Middleware::Response Success
6/8/2016 10:44 AM HostnameChanger Checking Hostname
6/8/2016 10:44 AM HostnameChanger Removing host from active directory
6/8/2016 10:44 AM HostnameChanger Success, code = 0
6/8/2016 10:44 AM Power Creating shutdown request
6/8/2016 10:44 AM Power Parameters: /r /c "Host left active directory, restart needed" /t 0
6/8/2016 10:44 AM HostnameChanger Renaming host to DIESEL-1
6/8/2016 10:44 AM Power Creating shutdown request
6/8/2016 10:44 AM Power Parameters: /r /c "FOG needs to rename your computer" /t 0
6/8/2016 10:44 AM HostnameChanger Unknown Return Code: 1364
6/8/2016 10:46 AM Client-Info Client Version: 0.10.6
6/8/2016 10:46 AM Client-Info Client OS: Windows
6/8/2016 10:46 AM Client-Info Server Version: 7541
6/8/2016 10:46 AM Middleware::Response Success
6/8/2016 10:46 AM HostnameChanger Checking Hostname
6/8/2016 10:46 AM HostnameChanger Hostname is correct
6/8/2016 10:47 AM HostnameChanger Success, code = 0
6/8/2016 10:47 AM Power Creating shutdown request
6/8/2016 10:47 AM Power Parameters: /r /c "Host joined to Active Directory, restart required" /t 0
6/8/2016 10:49 AM Client-Info Client Version: 0.10.6
6/8/2016 10:49 AM Client-Info Client OS: Windows
6/8/2016 10:49 AM Client-Info Server Version: 7541
6/8/2016 10:49 AM Middleware::Response Success
6/8/2016 10:49 AM HostnameChanger Checking Hostname
6/8/2016 10:49 AM HostnameChanger Hostname is correct
6/8/2016 10:49 AM HostnameChanger Host is already joined to target domain
@Wayne-Workman Non of them appear in Fog with the default name or MAC, and they never have. We have a small scale setup with Fog, so it’s easy to keep track of that sort of thing.