@ Tom Elliot
to be sure i’ve done a fresh Fog-Server installation again.
- Prepared CentOS for FOG (disbale iptables, selinux and so on…)
- Installed FOG 1.2.0 and backup the database
- Installed GIT and cloned the newest FOG-Trunk version
Now the FOG-Server installation has the version 5565.
Kernel Versions are:
- bzImage Version: 4.2.3
- bzImage32 Version: 4.2.3
Installation runs without errors.
So again i tried to register a host via “Perform full Host registration and Inventory”. This time it runs without an error
At the end of this procedure i get the message “Done without imaging”. That’s ok. After this, “Attempting to send inventory” but no reboot will starts like before with the version 1.2.0.
On the Management console i can see a registered Host. Better then before ^^. With the trunk version before, this was not possible.
Then i started to run some Tasks. I tested for example the “Hardware Inventory Task”, this fails and the testclient goes into a loop. I opened the Logviewer to look for some errors --> white screen and nothing hanppens.
FOG 1.2.0
Now i think i really should go back to 1.2.0 without trunk. Everything what i need works fine with this version. Imaging, Restoring, all possible Tasks and Clamav, but only without reporting ^^
In our production environment our machines should have no internet connection. So for the Clamav-Scan i created a directory in /var/www/html/fog/clamav. A crontab-Job runs every day and download the newest virus signatures (main.cvd, daily.cvd, bytecode.cvd) and put it to these directory.
I’ve modifed the fog.av in /var/www/html/fog/service/ipxe.
Added some wget commands to download the virus signatures from the FOG-Server and not from the internet. So this works.
Here is the fog.av script with a comment in line 84.
I compared this script with the newest trunk update. It’s nearly the same. So i’m sure, that the Clamav-Scan with the newest trunk-version also won’t report a virus. You can see it only local on the machine at created directory /fog/log.txt.
I hope you can start something with these information.
@Sebastian Roth
Yes, my dhcp works. Client gets an IP and so on after iPXE.
Have done some tests with FOG 1.2.0 (Imaging, Restoring, Scanning, …) That’s ok.
Thanks. Richi