@Tom-Elliott just confusing because it was attached to the image screen after the task had run on the host. I see what’s going on now though.
Posts made by vangrimoire
RE: "Wipe Task" run amok.
RE: "Wipe Task" run amok.
holy crap, it’s just an update to the size registry after a wipe task
RE: "Wipe Task" run amok.
Oh it was terrible, it looks like the images are still there by browsing, but somehow unlinked in the interface. I deleted the hosts involved and recovered my images - hesitant to hit the “wipe task”.
"Wipe Task" run amok.
“List All Hosts”->“Host”->“Host Tasks”->“Advanced”->“Normal Wipe”
This has set a task which wipes out both the target drive as well as the image associated with the host.
Further more, this advanced task has wiped out my reference image for a separate host/group i.e. the task appears to be set for all machines.
Finally, the Task does not show up anywhere in the interface.
If I run a history report the “wipe task” is listed twice on the original host and is not listed for the next host/image pair that got wiped out.
This is of course rather frustrating.
RE: Encryption error when clicking on "list hosts", just set AD password.
Password was: |-|@11ow33n
Maybe try the bars and hyphen?
RE: Encryption error when clicking on "list hosts", just set AD password.
when I click on “list hosts”, “tasks”, and “export hosts” the page is replaced with the error.
php is version 7.2.23 on CentOS Linux release 7.7.1908 (core)
RE: Encryption error when clicking on "list hosts", just set AD password.
Just enter an @ sign in the password field of the “Active Directory” page and save.
RE: Encryption error when clicking on "list hosts", just set AD password.
Yep, sorry didn’t see the version on the big button. 1.5.7
RE: Encryption error when clicking on "list hosts", just set AD password.
Current according to the system.
RE: Encryption error when clicking on "list hosts", just set AD password.
Looks like a problem in webrypt with @ symbols in passwords. Yup that’s it.
mysql to ‘fog’
UPDATE hosts SET hostADPass = '0' WHERE hostID = 2;
RE: Encryption error when clicking on "list hosts", just set AD password.
error shows when clicking on “tasks” and “export hosts” as well.
Encryption error when clicking on "list hosts", just set AD password.
{"error":"error:0606508A:digital envelope routines:EVP_DecryptFinal_ex:data not multiple of block length"}
On clicking list hosts. Just set AD password for new image.