When generating an equipment loan form, the PDF is generated, but cannot be opened. Additionally, the file is only 3KB in size. This only happens with Equipment Loans, any other report works fine.
I opened the file in notepad++ and it shows me the following output:
HTMLDOC Version 1.8.27 Copyright 1997-2006 Easy Software Products, All Rights Reserved.
This software is based in part on the work of the Independent JPEG Group.
ERROR: No HTML files!
Usage: htmldoc [options] filename1.html [ ... filenameN.html ] htmldoc filename.book
Options: --batch filename.book --bodycolor color --bodyfont {courier,helvetica,monospace,sans,serif,times} --bodyimage filename.{bmp,gif,jpg,png} --book --bottom margin{in,cm,mm} --browserwidth pixels --charset {cp-874...1258,iso-8859-1...8859-15,koi8-r} --color --compression[=level] --continuous --cookies 'name="value with space"; name=value' --datadir directory --duplex --effectduration {0.1..10.0} --embedfonts --encryption --firstpage {p1,toc,c1} --fontsize {4.0..24.0} --fontspacing {1.0..3.0} --footer fff {--format, -t} {ps1,ps2,ps3,pdf11,pdf12,pdf13,pdf14,html,htmlsep} --gray --header fff --header1 fff --headfootfont {courier{-bold,-oblique,-boldoblique}, helvetica{-bold,-oblique,-boldoblique}, monospace{-bold,-oblique,-boldoblique}, sans{-bold,-oblique,-boldoblique}, serif{-bold,-italic,-bolditalic}, times{-roman,-bold,-italic,-bolditalic}} --headfootsize {6.0..24.0} --headingfont {courier,helvetica,monospace,sans,serif,times} --help --helpdir directory --hfimage0 filename.{bmp,gif,jpg,png} --hfimage1 filename.{bmp,gif,jpg,png} --hfimage2 filename.{bmp,gif,jpg,png} --hfimage3 filename.{bmp,gif,jpg,png} --hfimage4 filename.{bmp,gif,jpg,png} --hfimage5 filename.{bmp,gif,jpg,png} --hfimage6 filename.{bmp,gif,jpg,png} --hfimage7 filename.{bmp,gif,jpg,png} --hfimage8 filename.{bmp,gif,jpg,png} --hfimage9 filename.{bmp,gif,jpg,png} --jpeg[=quality] --landscape --left margin{in,cm,mm} --linkcolor color --links --linkstyle {plain,underline} --logoimage filename.{bmp,gif,jpg,png} --no-compression --no-duplex --no-embedfonts --no-encryption --no-links --no-localfiles --no-numbered --no-overflow --no-pscommands --no-strict --no-title --no-toc --numbered --nup {1,2,4,6,9,16} {--outdir, -d} dirname {--outfile, -f} filename.{ps,pdf,html} --overflow --owner-password password --pageduration {1.0..60.0} --pageeffect {none,bi,bo,d,gd,gdr,gr,hb,hsi,hso,vb,vsi,vso,wd,wl,wr,wu} --pagelayout {single,one,twoleft,tworight} --pagemode {document,outline,fullscreen} --path "dir1;dir2;dir3;...;dirN" --permissions {all,annotate,copy,modify,print,no-annotate,no-copy,no-modify,no-print,none} --portrait --proxy http://host:port --pscommands --quiet --referer url --right margin{in,cm,mm} --size {letter,a4,WxH{in,cm,mm},etc} --strict --textcolor color --textfont {courier,times,helvetica} --title --titlefile filename.{htm,html,shtml} --titleimage filename.{bmp,gif,jpg,png} --tocfooter fff --tocheader fff --toclevels levels --toctitle string --top margin{in,cm,mm} --user-password password {--verbose, -v} --version --webpage fff = heading format string; each 'f' can be one of: . = blank / = n/N arabic page numbers (1/3, 2/3, 3/3) : = c/C arabic chapter page numbers (1/2, 2/2, 1/4, 2/4, ...) 1 = arabic numbers (1, 2, 3, ...) a = lowercase letters A = uppercase letters c = current chapter heading C = current chapter page number (arabic) d = current date D = current date and time h = current heading i = lowercase roman numerals I = uppercase roman numerals l = logo image t = title text T = current time
I have compared the (what I think to be) relevant files with another FOG server where the reports do work, and they are exact matches (fog/lib/fog/reportmaker.class.php & fog/lib/reports/equpment_loan.report.php).
I have compared installed packages between the two servers, which are also a match. I have no idea why the report will not work.
Running version 1.4.4 on Debian 8
Any suggestions are more than welcome,