Hey guys- We just rolled Fog 0.32 for evaluation and so far I’m pretty impressed. I’ve got Fog imaging a PC and joining a domain just fine, even if the joining takes a little longer than I’d like to actually run.
However, I created a simple Snapin that finished the system prep for me… but the snapin won’t run unless a user logs into the machine. I can set the task and wait forever, but it won’t execute until the next time the snapin process checks [I]after[/I] a login.
I feel like I’m missing something obvious. Is this expected behavior? Can’t I have a task start without a user actually logging in?
The Snapin is just a .cmd file that invokes a .ps1 bundled with it; the PS1 is self-contained and just activates MSMQ and Office, no interation required.
In my fog.log, I see that the SnapinClient stars and then sleeps for it’s (way-too-long) random interval, but then there aren’t any followup entries from the snapin client after that. Unless I log in.
I’ve tried changing the Fog service from the System account to a local administrator, but that didn’t affect anything.