Ok, So I know that this question has been asked a thousand different ways by a thousand different people. I know this because I am sure I have read all of them, However; I still am having issues and I don’t know what I am doing wrong. Here is what I want:
- I want to be able to create submenus. Example: On the main Fog PXE menu I want a Windows menu and a Linux menu and a Tools menu. In my windows menu I want to be able to put different versions of Windows so that I can boot to them, the same thing with the Linux menu and the same thing with Tools menu.
- I want to be able to keep my .iso files on my server without having to extract them, if possible, and be able to boot into them as if I burned them to a disc and inserted into a computer.
- I need to be able to do Windows .iso, Linux .iso and pretty much anything else I may be able to get my hands on. I know that all .iso files act differently depending on what the .iso file is.
Here is my Advance configuration Options:
item --gap -- ----------blah blah blah----------
item hostinfo Computer Information
item Hirens Hirens Boot Disc 15.2
item Ubuntu Ubuntu Dekstop 15.04 x64
item Sophos Sophos Antivirus scan
item Parted Parted Magic 03/06/2015
item winVHP64bit Windows Vista Home Premium SP2 64 bit
item winVHP32bit Windows Vista Home Premium SP2 32 bit
item return return to previous menu
choose --default return --timeout 15000 target && goto ${target}
echo This Computer: ||
echo MAC Address: ${net0/mac} ||
echo IP Address: ${ip} ||
echo Netmask: ${netmask} ||
echo Serial: ${serial} ||
echo Asset Number: ${asset} ||
echo Manufacturer: ${manufacturer} ||
echo Product: ${product} ||
echo BIOS Platform: ${platform} ||
echo ||
echo Press Any Key To Return To Menu ||
goto MENU
sanboot http://${fog-ip}/${fog-webroot}/images/ISO/TOOLS/Hirens15.2.iso
chain memdisk iso raw ||
goto MENU
kernel http://${fog-ip}/${fog-webroot}/images/ISO/LINUX/memdisk iso
initrd http://${fog-ip}/${fog-webroot}/images/ISO/LINUX/UbuntuDesktop15.04x64.iso
chain memdisk ||
goto MENU
sanboot http://${fog-ip}/${fog-webroot}/images/ISO/TOOLS/SophosAV.iso
chain iso raw ||
kernel http://${fog-ip}/${fog-webroot}/images/ISO/TOOLS/memdisk iso
initrd http://${fog-ip}/${fog-webroot}/images/ISO/TOOLS/PartedMagic2015_03_06.iso
chain memdisk iso raw||
sanboot http://${fog-ip}/${fog-webroot}/images/ISO/WINDOWS/WinVHPSP264bit.iso
chain memdisk iso raw||
goto MENU
initrd http://${fog-ip}/${fog-webroot}/images/ISO/WINDOWS/WinVHPSP232bit.iso
chain memdisk iso raw ||
goto MENU
chain http://${fog-ip}/${fog-webroot}/service/ipxe/boot.php? mac=${net0/mac} ||
goto MENU
I am new to fog server, I am not a programmer, so I am not familiar with any programming languages. So I am sure I butchered my commands up above. I have just been piecing together things I have found online.
Basically what I am asking is can someone tell me what I am doing wrong. I can see the PXE server, it will boot to the FOG menu, and I can load Hirens, Ubuntu, Sophos, & Parted. Windows just loads to a cursor; However, nothing on the Hirens menu boots correctly, I get some kind of error on every selection, Ubuntu ends up saying it can’t find initramfs file, Sophos fails to completely load and comes up with command prompt, Parted says in can’t mount .sqfs file. I feel like I am missing something simple, but I don’t know what it is. I have seen some people include commands with nfs information in them. I can’t find a /nfs folder, but when I run apt-get install <nfs software> it tells me I already have it installed.
I am running Ubuntu server 15.04 and FOG 4469 v.1.2.0.