@Sebastian-Roth said in PXE error Undefined index extraargs:
I feel like I need to tell you a little bit about how FOG is being developed. We are all volunteers doing this in our free time just for the fun of it
Yes, and I greatly appreciate your work. Please don’t mistake my complete and utter frustration for snarkiness.
I am just having a bad week with imaging and I am losing my mind. We used Acronis for a short while, and it was painful to pay so much and get such horrible support. I have found that there is much better support for this free and volunteer driven product. And honestly, I have been running this for years without an issue. So I am sure that there is something I am doing to screw this up!
Ok, now about your issues. I just (auto) installed a fresh debian jessie VM with current FOG trunk. I am unable to reproduce the “Undefined index: extraargs” (which is just a notice not an error by the way) unless I set error_reporting
to E_ALL
and enable display_errors
. Possibly you’ve modified your php.ini - FOG does not enable it by default I am pretty sure!
I have not modified any php files.
About the “The storage groups associated storage node is not valid” issue: AFAIK this message only comes from “Quick Image” and only if there is no valid image found on the server.
Okay, that makes sense. I have started over so many times, I am likely trying to quick image where there is no image. I have kept a great number of images for various hardware, and I am hoping to reconnect them once I straighten out my issues.
The array_map warning might be caused by a faulty NAS storage configuration. Please post a screenshot of the settings so we can have a look.
I will do that! Because I am almost positive that my problems are 80% if not 100% in my Storage Node settings.
In the past I have connected to a NAS that has all my images on it. To make this work though, I had to do some ugly hacks in several PHP files to point some references in “FOGFTP” settings to use the static IP address of the Fog server whereas the default would use the Storage Node IP (which is the IP of my NAS). But I don’t want to get into all that at this point. I can save that for another thread. At this point, I just want things to work out of the box with a brand new image on the local machine.
One thing I wanted to ask — when I am installing the Debian/Ubuntu OS, should I NOT check LAMP server? I have been checking this at install time but I keep running into MySQL issues. So I am thinking I should be leaving that unchecked, and let Fog do all the PHP, MySQL and Apache stuff itself.