We have been using FOG for over a year, with great success. But since some weeks we are experiencing problems with FOG snapins not being executed on our clients (not all, but some). Upon investigation, we noticed in fog.log that the FOG client is still trying to connect to our old proxy server (which we don’t have anymore since 6 months). We removed WPAD settings from DHCP, tried clearing the DNS and even removed all instances from the registry where our old proxy was referenced to.
This is the error we get continuously in fog.log. But only on some systems, not all systems.
25/02/2016 17:05 FOG::UserTracker Attempting to connect to fog server…
25/02/2016 17:05 FOG::HostnameChanger Attempting to connect to fog server…
25/02/2016 17:05 FOG::UserTracker Failed to connect to fog server!
25/02/2016 17:05 FOG::UserTracker De proxynaam kan niet worden opgehaald: ‘tmg-peda’
25/02/2016 17:05 FOG::UserTracker bij System.Net.WebClient.DownloadDataInternal(Uri address, WebRequest& request)
bij System.Net.WebClient.DownloadString(Uri address)
bij FOG.UserTracker.track()
Any help would be appreciated, we have been searching for a solution for days…
Kind regards