I ended up backing out and using an older rev of Ubuntu and it worked perfectly at capturing and pushing a test image! The problem appears to be with FTP and not Fog. I couldn’t get FTP to work properly before installing Fog and continued to get the error below regardless of what I configured or the user I logged in as.
[I]500 OOPS Priv_Sock_Get_Result[/I]
[I]Login Failed.[/I]
[I]421 Service not available, remote server has closed connection[/I]
Posts made by steckelbuddy
RE: TFTP Timeout- Related to vsftd?
RE: TFTP Timeout- Related to vsftd?
When I FTP into an admin account, I get the same error. I thought it was a permissions problem, but not sure. I uninstalled and reinstalled vsftp and still no success. Would be very appreciative of any thoughts or ideas!
TFTP Timeout- Related to vsftd?
Hello! I’m excited to get FOG going on our school district server!
I followed the instructions [URL=‘http://fogproject.org/forum/threads/how-to-install-fog-on-ubuntu.5/’]here[/URL] to initially install on a new/clean Ubuntu 12.04 server with only OpenSSH as a service selected. I then configured SAMBA and installed FOG 0.32. I got the error reported frequently with the TFTP service such as this post [URL=‘http://fogproject.org/forum/threads/a-simple-tftp-cant-connect-question-honest.738/’]here[/URL]. When creating an image I get the message, " [URL=‘http://fogproject.org/forum/threads/a-simple-tftp-cant-connect-question-honest.738/’]U[/URL]nable to start task/Unable to connect to TFTP server."
I have followed instructions on setting the fog user password and changing the config files with restarting. No go. I decided to wipe the OS and try again. Same problem again.
I have (possibly) narrowed this down to the vsftpd service. I can connect and perform a GET to the TFTP service, but when I attempt to connect via command-line to FTP, the following message appears:
[I]500 OOPS Priv_Sock_Get_Result[/I]
[I]Login Failed.[/I]
[I]421 Service not available, remote server has closed connection[/I]I’ve looked into this error for vsftpd and am not sure how to proceed, but since quite a few have reported this with mixed success I wonder if there is something additional on the install-side we need to do in order to fix this problem? I am rusty with CLI on Linux and would appreciate any help I can get to figure this problem. I’m including the config files here:
define( “IS_INCLUDED”, true );
define( “TFTP_HOST”, “” );
define( “TFTP_FTP_USERNAME”, “fog” );
define( “TFTP_FTP_PASSWORD”, “-somethingencrypted-” );
define( “TFTP_PXE_CONFIG_DIR”, “/tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/” );
define( “TFTP_PXE_KERNEL_DIR”, “/tftpboot/fog/kernel/” );
define( “PXE_KERNEL”, “fog/kernel/bzImage” );
define( “PXE_KERNEL_RAMDISK”, 127000 );
define( “USE_SLOPPY_NAME_LOOKUPS”, “1”);
define( “MEMTEST_KERNEL”, “fog/memtest/memtest” );
define( “PXE_IMAGE”, “fog/images/init.gz” );
define( “PXE_IMAGE_DNSADDRESS”, “” );
define( “STORAGE_HOST”, “” );
define( “STORAGE_FTP_USERNAME”, “fog” );
define( “STORAGE_FTP_PASSWORD”, “-somethingencrypted-” );
define( “STORAGE_DATADIR”, “/images/” );
define( “STORAGE_DATADIR_UPLOAD”, “/images/dev/” );
define( “STORAGE_BANDWIDTHPATH”, “/fog/status/bandwidth.php” );
define( “CLONEMETHOD”, “ntfsclone” ); // valid values partimage, ntfsclone
define( “UPLOADRESIZEPCT”, 5 );
define( “WEB_HOST”, “” );
define( “WEB_ROOT”, “/fog/” );
define( “WOL_HOST”, “” );
define( “WOL_PATH”, “/fog/wol/wol.php” );
define( “WOL_INTERFACE”, “eth0” );
define( “SNAPINDIR”, “/opt/fog/snapins/” );
define( “QUEUESIZE”, “10” );
define( “CHECKIN_TIMEOUT”, 600 );
define( “MYSQL_HOST”, “localhost” );
define( “MYSQL_DATABASE”, “fog” );
define( “MYSQL_USERNAME”, “root” );
define( “MYSQL_PASSWORD”, “myrealsqlpassword” );
define( “DB_TYPE”, “mysql” );
define( “DB_HOST”, MYSQL_HOST );
define( “DB_PORT”, null );
define( “USER_MINPASSLENGTH”, 4 );
define( “USER_VALIDPASSCHARS”, “1234567890ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWZXYabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz_hB()^!” );
define( “NFS_ETH_MONITOR”, “eth0” );
define(“UDPCAST_STARTINGPORT”, 63100 );
// Must be an even number! recommended between 49152 to 65535
define( “FOG_JPGRAPH_VERSION”, “2.3” );
define( “FOG_REPORT_DIR”, “./reports/” );
define( “FOG_THEME”, “blackeye/blackeye.css” );
define( “FOG_VERSION”, “0.32” );
define( “FOG_SCHEMA”, 23);
DEFINE(‘BASEPATH’, rtrim($_SERVER[‘DOCUMENT_ROOT’], ‘/’) . rtrim(WEB_ROOT, ‘/’));
?> [/PHP]/opt/fog/service/etc/config.php:
define( “UPDSENDERPATH”, “/usr/local/sbin/udp-sender” );
define( “MULTICASTLOGPATH”, “/opt/fog/log/multicast.log” );
define( “MULTICASTDEVICEOUTPUT”, “/dev/tty2” );
define( “MULTICASTINTERFACE”, “eth0” );
define( “UDPSENDER_MAXWAIT”, null );define( “MYSQL_HOST”, “” );
define( “MYSQL_DATABASE”, “fog” );
define( “MYSQL_USERNAME”, “” );
define( “MYSQL_PASSWORD”, “6^3#Kids” );define( “LOGMAXSIZE”, “1000000” );
define( “REPLICATORLOGPATH”, “/opt/fog/log/fogreplicator.log” );
define( “REPLICATORDEVICEOUTPUT”, “/dev/tty3” );
define( “REPLICATORIFCONFIG”, “/sbin/ifconfig” );define( “SCHEDULERLOGPATH”, “/opt/fog/log/fogscheduler.log” );
define( “SCHEDULERDEVICEOUTPUT”, “/dev/tty4” );
define( “SCHEDULERWEBROOT”, “/var/www/fog” );
[/PHP]Before I go further I was wondering if I might be on the right path or not. I’m not quite sure how to make sure another FTP app is/is not conflicting or what other things I should look at. Thanks for any help you can provide!