[quote=“khowe2000, post: 2826, member: 636”]I had the same issue until I upgrade my kernel to 3.2.4 core. It is most likely a missing driver from the other kernel modules or something. My 6710b work fine now. Fog 0.32 with Kernel 3.2.4 core.[/quote]

This worked. Thanks a lot!

It was basically guesswork as to what would and wouldn’t work so I just sat it aside while I worked on other open projects.

For others with this problem:
The 3.2.4 kernel is not working currently in the update console, if you get the error Download Failed: filesize = 0 follow the instructions in posts 8 & 9 in this thread to manually download and install it: [url]http://fogproject.org/forum/threads/kernel-3-2-4-core.298/[/url]