I try it again, but get an error in the VM. The PC are correct booting and waiting.
I deleted the HDD from the VM and setup new, but same error.
Erasing GPT is done, but then I get this error
I try it again, but get an error in the VM. The PC are correct booting and waiting.
I deleted the HDD from the VM and setup new, but same error.
Erasing GPT is done, but then I get this error
I’m using 1.5.9
Yes, in the VM I set 128GB and the physical PC had 250GB.
The timout with 10sec sounds good and test is today again. The resizing on the physical PC take for sure longer … on the VM I did not see any resizing.
I´m new with FOG and so far its running fine.
I tried now to deploy a Ubuntu server 20 to a Virtual Box and one physical PC.
The first partition he deploy simultaneous.
But as the 9.7Gb partition was to write, the physical PC resize the partition while the VM are already start with the next.
So the PC wait after resizing while the VM already write the next.
At the End, the VM was deployed and the PC still waiting.
Is this a bug or did I made something wrong?
Thank you!