Organization Name: Tribunal Regional Eleitoral do Paraná
Location: Paraná - Brazil
Approximate Number of systems: about 2500 registered hosts and 158 different locations
How long: since early 2018
Tribunal Regional Eleitoral do Paraná, a.k.a. TRE-PR, is the government body responsible for the electoral process (election, electronic ballot box, tabulation of results, etc.)
We’re proud to post here because at this very date, we concluded our implementation of FOG in our entire state (Paraná), wich means:
- a central location at our state capital (Curitiba), with our main server, and about 500 hosts
- 157 remote locations in the entire state of Paraná, each one with about 5 to 40 hosts, totaling about 2500 hosts, each one with a Storage Node.
So, hurray and thanks for all the efforts of the development team and your support!