I need help with the above and would very much appreciate your help.
The files i’ve gotten from the iso are: initrd.img, vmlinuz, and spp2019120.menu. I’m not sure what to do with spp2019120.menu
Here are the README instructions:
Prerequisites / Assumptions
* A working TFTP(PXE) server and supporting network infrastructure.
* We will be using a Linux server and with the tftpd package.
Windows configuration should follow similarly, but is left as an exercise
to the user.
* The TFTP root directory is assumed to be /tftpboot
* PXELINUX bootloader and the menu.c32 menu program that is included with PXELINUX.
( http://www.syslinux.org )
* PXELINUX default configuration file is located at /tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/default
* You should already have PXELINUX and the menu system configured and working.
* A ProLiant server we will use as the PXE client.
* An NFS or Windows file server to host the ISO images
(may or may not be the same server as the TFTP server)
* We will be using an NFS server that being exported as
* You already have the SPP ISO image
> ls ~/Downloads/SPP2019120.2019_1219.1.iso
* You should have the SPP ISO image mounted or extracted in order
to access the contents of the ISO. We assume the SPP is mounted as /media/SPP
> sudo mkdir -p /media/SPP
> sudo mount -o loop ~/Downloads/SPP2019120.2019_1219.1.iso /media/SPP
1. Copy the SPP so it is accessible over the network
Assuming the /exportdir is exported over NFS.
Choose either option 1.1 or option 1.2 *** ONE OR THE OTHER, BUT NOT BOTH ***
1.1 Copy the SPP ISO **image** to an exported filesystem.
> mkdir -p /exportdir/hp-spp/
> cp ~/Downloads/SPP2019120.2019_1219.1.iso /exportdir/hp-spp/SPP2019120.2019_1219.1.iso
1.2 Copy the SPP ISO **contents** to the exported filesystem.
> mkdir -p /exportdir/hpp-spp/spp2019120/
> cp -r /media/SPP/. /exportdir/hpp-spp/spp2019120/
Option 1.2 makes it easier to modify the contents of the hp/swpackages
directory to suit your needs and is intended for advanced users.
2. TFTP server configuration
2.1 Copy the entire folder spp2019120 from the SPP ISO to the TFTP root directory.
> sudo cp -r /media/SPP/pxe/spp2019120 /tftpboot/
2.2 Update the iso1 values in the configuration file to reflect your NFS server.
If using option 1.1
> sudo sed -i.orig -e \
> 's,iso1=nfs://nfsserver.localdomain.net/path/to/spp.iso,iso1=nfs://,g' \
> /tftpboot/spp2019120/spp2019120.menu
If using option 1.2
> sudo sed -i.orig -e \
> 's,iso1=nfs://nfsserver.localdomain.net/path/to/spp.iso,iso1=nfs://,g' \
> /tftpboot/spp2019120/spp2019120.menu
2.3 Update your PXELINUX configuration to include the /tftpboot/spp2019120/spp2019120.menu entries.
> sudo cat /media/SPP/pxelinux.cfg/spp.menu >> /tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/default
2.4 Copy the SPP ISO image to an exported filesystem or location.
> mkdir -p /exportdir/hp-spp/
> cp ~/Downloads/SPP2019120.2019_1219.1.iso /exportdir/hp-spp/SPP2019120.2019_1219.1.iso
3. PXE Boot your ProLiant Server client machine