This is my story:
fog 1.2.0, system ubuntu 13.10,
fog fresh install and imported database, snapins from fog 0.32
New fog server (1.2.0) for tests is running on different ip address the old one (0.32)
When I’m trying send few snapins to client I receive error message [ATTACH=full]1250[/ATTACH]
if I try send just one snapin it goes almost fine[ATTACH=full]1251[/ATTACH]
but nothing happened. Snapin hangs in the queue.
Here are service settings for client, the same are globaly set for fog server.[ATTACH=full]1252[/ATTACH]
Client connects to new fog (1.2.0), here log:
To solve this issue I have to remove client from database and add him again, but this solution is time and work consuming.
Help appreciated