@tom-elliott Hi, thanks for the reply.

Im getting the following errors : in CMD :

curl: (6) Could not resolve host: NjhmN2VkNmFiZWVmZGQ4NjNhNGYyMzAwYmEyZGY4MWMwYzdhZGFmZjQyZjI0Yzc0Mjc1NzNmYWE1MjVlMzBjODM5MTE2YjZlODJhNjNhZmFiMzg1NGU3NmM1MjQzMDc4M2FjYTU0NGExMWQ2NWQxxxxMWJlZjQ’
curl: (6) Could not resolve host: MTM3OWM1YjczZjI3OGZlNmVjNjk0MWQwYTUzOTljNTFjOTc0YmE0OWRiMjQ5MzhhOGE0ZGM4ODRjZjFkOWI2MzI3NjNlYzMxYTY4MWJhNjEzOTFmMWY3OTEwMDJmNTUwM2Q1NTNjMjlhZTA5NmQ3xxxxNDU’

and in powershell console :

Invoke-WebRequest : Cannot bind parameter ‘Headers’. Cannot convert the "fog-api-token:

But nevermind, thanks for the support but im throwing in the towel. Guess this is just 1 of those things thats to complicated for me. Hoped it was simple, but im getting errors left and right. Thanks for your time. Dont waste anymore on me 🙂