@Rayco Thanks for letting us know. Though I guess we have updated this long ago. See this commit from 2018: https://github.com/FOGProject/fogproject/commit/b629d5ef15ae52f680fb5c7b99c53ee1da91aa5a#diff-6c19cefd5d36153992eb2ff3ad4873a91680a65ef783d8aa86751fea6f90ef29 (We have changed the URL to standards-oui.ieee.org despite Tom’s comment in that commit.)
I never had problems with mac list update, but in my last update FOG cannot open http://standards.ieee.org/regauth/oui/oui.txt because isen’t a valid link now.
You seem to be mixing up a few things here. First we need to know which version exactly you use and if you’ve manually modified the code already. The very latest dev-branch code is already using the URL you ask about. And this is the same if you’d use latest alpha from working-1.6 branch.