Permissions are OK. I have some news:
If I select “shell” and I put by commands:
initrd /images/ISOs/debian.iso
chain memdisk raw iso
It works perfectly!
What could be happening?
Permissions are OK. I have some news:
If I select “shell” and I put by commands:
initrd /images/ISOs/debian.iso
chain memdisk raw iso
It works perfectly!
What could be happening?
[quote=“Junkhacker, post: 34841, member: 21583”]and what kind of method does the iso use to boot the iso? floppy emulation?[/quote]
floppy emulation.
Thank for your answers Junkhacker, I also tried with a Debian image instead of HDD_Regenerator.iso.
I locate the debian.iso in:
But still the same error
[quote=“Junkhacker, post: 34837, member: 21583”]if it’s not giving you the error “iso failed to load” then the iso is probably loading.
the problem might be with using [I]chain memdisk iso raw || [/I]as that is not the appropriate method to boot all types of iso
what kind of boot disk is it? linux? dos? windows based?[/quote]
DOS Win98
[quote=“Tom Elliott, post: 34833, member: 7271”]That still doesn’t answer my question.
What is the current location of the ISOs?[/quote]
I locate the ISOs in this three paths, i do a cp of HDD_Regenerator.iso to:
[quote=“Tom Elliott, post: 34829, member: 7271”]What is the location of the images/ISOs/HDD_Regenerator.iso?
Is it /var/www/images/ISOs/HDD_Regenerator.iso
or is it:
I tried:
But nothing, could be a permissions problem?
[quote=“Junkhacker, post: 34821, member: 21583”]try replacing initrd [url]http://${fog-ip}/images/ISOs/HDD_Regenerator.iso[/url] with
initrd [URL=‘http://%24%7Bfog-ip%7D/images/ISOs/HDD_Regenerator.iso’]http://${fog-ip}/images/ISOs/HDD_Regenerator.iso[/URL] || echo “iso failed to load” && prompt[/quote]
Same error and not printing “iso failed to load”
Hi, I have fog 1.2.0
I go to FOG Configuration —> PXE Boot Menu —> Advanced configuration options and I put:
Iitem --gap – ---------------- iPXE boot menu ----------------[/I]
Iitem HDD_REGNERATOR HDD Regenerator 1.7[/I]
Iitem shell ipxe shell[/I]
Iitem return return to previous menu[/I]
Ichoose --default HDD_REGENERATOR --timeout 5000 target && goto ${target}[/I]
Iinitrd [url]http://${fog-ip}/images/ISOs/HDD_Regenerator.iso[/url][/I]
Ichain memdisk iso raw ||[/I]
Igoto MENU[/I]
I [/I]
Ishell ||[/I]
Igoto MENU[/I]
Ichain [url]http://${fog-ip}/${fog-webroot}/service/ipxe/boot.php?mac=${net0/mac}[/url] ||[/I]
Igoto MENU[/I]
But when I select “HDD Regenerator 1.7” didn’t work, the host says “Reboot and Select proper Boot device”
The ISO is OK, the path is OK what could be happening?
In host I do " aptitude search ftp " and says that ftp is installed
I have Debian 7.
It could be happening that FOG has no permision to read/write in storage host
Disk Information in FOG web page is not available too
[quote=“Tom Elliott, post: 34163, member: 7271”]The node is where it places the image so the node needs to have FTP[/quote]
OK, thank you and sorry about the time losted, so:
[FONT=Ubuntu][COLOR=#000000]FOG_TFTP_HOST must be[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Ubuntu][COLOR=#000000]I have to do another change?[/COLOR][/FONT]
[quote=“Tom Elliott, post: 34159, member: 7271”]That’s why it’s trying to ftp to[/quote]
Yes but the TFTP_HOST is configured in . I want works only as a Image Repository
I must have the same address for the Storage Node and the TFTP server?
[quote=“Tom Elliott, post: 34156, member: 7271”]Your storage node’s IP is set to[/quote]
No, I only change the Storage Host.
My server IP is and my Storage Node Default is is working perfectly
Fog 1.1.2
Fresh Install
Only one Storage node
Hi, i’m having this problem after uploading an image:
[B]FOGFTP: failed to connect. Host: Error: Undefined Index Conn[/B]
The IP [B][/B] is where I have my Storage Node Default.
[COLOR=#000000]In FOG Settings —>TFTP Server---->[FONT=Ubuntu][B]FOG_TFTP_HOST[/B] i have [B][/B][/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#000000][FONT=Ubuntu]In Config.class[/FONT][/COLOR][COLOR=#000000][FONT=Ubuntu][COLOR=#555555][COLOR=#000000].php—>[/COLOR][/COLOR][/FONT][FONT=Ubuntu]FOG_TFTP_HOST is[/FONT][/COLOR]
[FONT=Ubuntu][COLOR=#000000]Why FOGFTP is searching files in[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Ubuntu][COLOR=#000000]Thank you![/COLOR][/FONT]
Thank you!
Could you update this in the WIKI? [url]http://www.fogproject.org/wiki/index.php?title=Change_NFS_location[/url]
I have FOG 1.1.2 installed and I couldn’t find the “config.php”.
In " /var/www/fog/commons/config.php " I have :
I can modify [B][FONT=sans-serif][COLOR=#000000]STORAGE_DATADIR [/COLOR][/FONT][/B]trough the web in fog/management but i can’t modify [B][FONT=sans-serif][COLOR=#000000]STORAGE_DATADIR_UPLOAD[/COLOR][/FONT][/B]