Haven’t updated in a while, but after digging on the web a bit more these past few weeks, found a note that it may be due to the old image ID’s still being in play somewhere, so you need to reset them. We’re rebuilding the current server from scratch and going to see what the DB shows when we transfer the ‘Test’ image across. Will update again.
Posts made by Philip Boschman
RE: Transfer Images from 0.32 to fresh 1.2.0 - 1.2.0 can't see images
RE: Transfer Images from 0.32 to fresh 1.2.0 - 1.2.0 can't see images
Still trying to see if we’ve missed something, so going through the settings - again
RE: Transfer Images from 0.32 to fresh 1.2.0 - 1.2.0 can't see images
Just a quick FYI update - we set the VM to PXE boot, create the task in Fog to deploy to the ‘seen’ VM, it boots up, goes through the initial Fog cmd screen, then at the end - reboots - and it’s at THIS point it reboots into the Fog GUI with the ‘Quick Image’ listed as a choice, so from what we know, the imaging should have happened during the initial boot and NOT reboot (if we have this right), so that kind of suggests that it’s not seeing the image on the initial boot up.
BTW - we made the drive 5GB’s bigger than the actual system (a laptop) that this ‘test’ image was created for, and we set it as IDE, so don’t know if any of that info matters
RE: Transfer Images from 0.32 to fresh 1.2.0 - 1.2.0 can't see images
P.S. Just for FYI - the parameter we changed was for the image. The old Fog had it set to MPI - All Disks (Not resizable), and we had set it on the new Fog to MPI - Single Disk (NR), so now when it gets to ‘Checking Hard Disk’, we get ‘Done’ instead of that error
RE: Transfer Images from 0.32 to fresh 1.2.0 - 1.2.0 can't see images
We just created a blank VM (no OS - no nothing), ran the registration (it registered), assigned the ‘Test’ image to it as a task (succeeded), rebooted the system and got the Fog GUI with the ‘Quick Image’ option, which we chose, it asked for the password (we used the default), then…nothing happens…the GUI screen just sits there and we can move up and down the list, choose ‘Quick Image’ again, asks for password - again, put in password - again, then …nothing - again.
We did get some sort of ‘can’t have partition outside the disk’ at one point, but then we changed a parameter that we saw in the old Fog settings to the new, and that error hasn’t returned, so we figured that one out.
Still no go on the imaging though
RE: Transfer Images from 0.32 to fresh 1.2.0 - 1.2.0 can't see images
This update is from building n EXACT duplicate of the current Ubuntu FOG server (same OS - 12.04.2, same Fog version - 0.32), as well as creating a blank ‘dummy’ system with no OS on it (BTW - we’re doing all this in VMWare Workstation
with the ‘Test’ image transferred over to it in the ‘Images’ folder (ad ran the permissions commands from Tom above), so…
Right out of the gate we were able to register the ‘dummy’ VM (shows up in the Hosts), and we were able to create a task, however, now when we get to the Fog GUI on the ‘dummy’ and choose the ‘Quick Image’ option, it prompts for the password (which is the default ‘password’) and…nothing happens.
Not sure what the issue is here, but again, any help would be appreciated
RE: Transfer Images from 0.32 to fresh 1.2.0 - 1.2.0 can't see images
Sorry for the late reply.
Just got back to the office today, so just ran those commands. Testing now to see what we get, so will report back when done
RE: Transfer Images from 0.32 to fresh 1.2.0 - 1.2.0 can't see images
P.S. We just built another Fog server, but this time with Fog 0.32, transferred (copied) the ‘test’ image, and we can’t get it to work either, so there’s something we’re missing somewhere
RE: Transfer Images from 0.32 to fresh 1.2.0 - 1.2.0 can't see images
Okay - we’re still under the gun with our other project, BUT…
I was able to setup a lab at home with VMWare Workstation 8 and did the following (I’ll add/repeat some of my steps from above)…
[]I built a new Ubuntu Server (12.04.5)
[]Installed Fog (1.2.0)
[]Checked the ‘FOG_FORMAT_FLAG_IN_GUI’ box
[]Transferred (copied) the ‘test’ image from our 0.32 Fog server to the new 1.2.0 server
[]Ran chmod 777 on ‘images’ folder
[]Created a ‘new’ image with the same [B]exact[/B] name as transferred (copied) file
[]Set it to ‘partimage’ as per this note form the other post
[]“Images made with 0.32 must be set to partimage and 1.x images set to partclone”
[]Created a dummy VM (no OS)
[]Changed BIOS in dummy to boot from network (PXE)
[]Set up host ‘download’ task
[]Started up the dummy
From this point everything went normally (system registered, etc.), UNTIL it came to ‘downloading’ the image onto the dummy, at which point it says it completes the task, but no image is loaded, and it just reboots back to the main Fog menu with ‘Quick Image’ as one of the choices, so looks like there is something more needed to get the transferred (copied) image to be ‘seen’/work (i.e. change something in the database???)If anyone has any info on what to do at this point, please let us know, as we really need to get this to work.
Thanks in advance
RE: Transfer Images from 0.32 to fresh 1.2.0 - 1.2.0 can't see images
Thanks again for all the insight, and I will ABSOLUTELY follow up on this thread with either failure OR success.
(I hate posts that get an answer that worked, but then are never replied to with the 2 minutes to at least post, ‘That worked’)
Just FYI - it may be a couple days as we’re still working with the old 0.32 for imaging as we’re under a time crunch to just get it done, but we WILL be testing the new ASA we have time.
Cheers and thanks again
RE: Transfer Images from 0.32 to fresh 1.2.0 - 1.2.0 can't see images
Unless of course I’m that dense and the answer was ‘Nope - you’re seeing what you’re seeing BECAUSE you imported, so you’re done - run the image’
RE: Transfer Images from 0.32 to fresh 1.2.0 - 1.2.0 can't see images
Okay - thanks much JunkHacker,
It sounds like we’re on the right track, but we may have either done something backwards, or we’re still missing a step, so I’ll break it down a bit so I don’t confuse anyone (mostly myself)…
[]We set up a direct SecPanel connection from the 1.2.0 to the 0.32 server
[]We copied all the image files from the 0.32 ‘images’ folder directly to the same folder on the 1.2.0
[]We then went into the 1.2.0 Web GUI and checked the ‘FOG_FORMAT_FLAG_IN_GUI’ box
[]We then (after Tom Elliot’s reply) created a ‘new’ image with the same name as the ‘test’ image that we copied
[]We named it [B]exactly[/B] the same, case and all
[]We set it to ‘partimage’
[*]…and here’s where we are now
…so this is where we need to know what to do next (or to correct) with our steps to allow the 1.2.0 to use/‘see’ the old copied image ‘test’ files (i.e. Do we do something on the DB side? Do we have to run a task? etc.) -
RE: Transfer Images from 0.32 to fresh 1.2.0 - 1.2.0 can't see images
P.S. it also states ‘No data’ under the Uploaded header.
RE: Transfer Images from 0.32 to fresh 1.2.0 - 1.2.0 can't see images
Another update - after creating the ‘new’ test image with the same name as the old one, in the headers under ‘Image size: on client’ and ‘: on server’, they both show 0.00iB as the size, so we’re thinking the system isn’t using/seeing the old image file(s)
Guessing there’s still a step missing
RE: Transfer Images from 0.32 to fresh 1.2.0 - 1.2.0 can't see images
To at least update this a bit - we had a ‘test’ image that we transferred (as is always a usual practice
and so we created a ‘new’ Image that we named exactly as the old one, then we saw the partimage/partclone option show up, so we set it to partimage.
The only piece we’re not sure of is if this ‘new’ image is actually going to utilize the old image file, so we’ll give it a test and see what happens.
Hopefully this was the right steps, but if not, any ‘heads ups’ would be appreciated
RE: Transfer Images from 0.32 to fresh 1.2.0 - 1.2.0 can't see images
Thanks much for the insight.
I’m [B]very[/B] new to Fog, as I inherited it, so I did do many searches through the forum (and on Google), and we did find that ‘flag’ and set it, but we obviously missed the other posts that went into detail (that or just didn’t quite understand the steps, which is obvious :oops: ), so thanks much for your patient explanation.
We did indeed transfer the images from our Fog 0.32 server from the ‘images’ location directly to the same location on our new 1.2.0 server, so I guess the only step we didn’t understand was to ‘create the new images and image names’, so as we understood it (and I’m sure we’re still missing something), we thought once we set that flag then transferred them, they would show up in Fog under the ‘Image Management’, but obviously that’s not the case.
The one part we don’t quite get is if we ‘create’ an image, how do we refer/use/activate the ‘old’ image file? Do we create it on the 1.2.0 with the same name and just set the path directly to it (which would be a guess), or is there another way/step to this?
We’ll definitely start digging better in the forums, but if you feel you would be able to confirm/list the ‘after’ steps, it would be appreciated, only because we’re in a time crunch.
Truly appreciate the assist so far.
Transfer Images from 0.32 to fresh 1.2.0 - 1.2.0 can't see images
Hey there,
i found a post labelled ‘[SIZE=3]Upgrade from .32 to 1.2.0 Problems’ that listed some of the issues we’re having, but didn’t clearly tell where to find/set the parameters of the issue.[/SIZE]
Basically we have a 0.32 server on Ubuntu Server 12.04 and have just built a brand new[SIZE=3] Ubuntu 12.04 Server with 1.2.0 installed. We transferred the Images from the 0.32 to the 1.2.0, but when we go to ‘Show Images’ on the 1.2.0, it doesn’t ‘see’ the images[/SIZE]
The other post mentioned[SIZE=3], “I[/SIZE]mage from 0.32 are not supported on 1.x unless you activate support in the FOG option and then set image type as partimage.”, but it never answered where these settings are, so if anyone can jump in and give a play-by-play on the where/how to do this, it would be MUCHO appreciated.
Thanks tons in advance