Hi there, FOGProject,
As I’m sitting here in the forum, I am very glad to be able to speak about my interest in FOG. I hope you have a Matrix chat.
I’m running a project called Slumberer Sentinels. I thought it was possible to share and boot a live image of an OS, maybe even in some case as if it were awoken from Suspend. Plus, this live image would be updating frequently, so the Torrent feature working would be astounding. Until then, I’m OK sharing something besides a live image, and perhaps just an image of the machine after it was put in suspend. My end goal is to snapshot the machine, live in OpenNebula, or replay its migration through something like FOG or some other hypervision/emulation/boot server.
Now that I’m here, I gotta solidify my questions, so here we go:
A) Torrenting. Do we have it in FOG yet, or no? (Just clients?)
B) SecureBoot, can I have an introduction on this through PXE and its use in virtualization? Would the PXE be able to pack keys somehow?
C) I see you can kinda use KVM and QEMU with FOG. How much more hypervising is possible within the FOS Management base boot image? Could I migrate a QEMU host to memory/state of the FOS Management server?
Thank you so much for this software. I’m very grateful and impressed for all your work!! I have no idea the depths of what’s possible and I’m happy to find out. 