Hello, I’m using Fog 1.2. I find the resizable image type very useful when deploying single partition images to drives of different sizes. But there are times when it would be useful to be able to leave some space on the drive after the image has been deployed. Is there any straightforward way to adjust the size that the newly created partition is resized to?
Posts made by Peter Dickinson
Is it possible to adjust the size that a resizable image is resized to?
RE: Image temporary directory not moved to proper location after upload
Thanks, that seems to have fixed it.
Since Fog uses several servers and other components that use usernames and passwords, and since it seems that the installation script doesn’t set them all correctly, is there any documentation for Fog that explains how to set them all up correctly?
RE: Image temporary directory not moved to proper location after upload
To connect to the FTP server I’m using the Linux user account username (fog) and password. When I look at the DefaultMember storage node under storage management, it shows the Management Username as fog, but the Management Password is blank. Would that be the problem then?
Image temporary directory not moved to proper location after upload
I’m having a problem with uploading images using Fog 1.2.0. I’ve had this problem before, and last time it was fixed by changing directory permissions using chmod. But that doesn’t seem to be working this time.
This is a new Fog 1.2.0 installation, running on Ubuntu 13.10 64-bit desktop running natively. My previous installation was running in a VM on top of Windows 7, but Windows did an automatic update that resulted in the machine restarting while the VM was running. This damaged the VM, leaving it in a state that would no longer start up. So I’ve abandoned the VM approach for now as being too fragile, and am running Linux natively.
What happens is that the upload works fine up to the point where the image files are stored in a temporary directory under /images/dev, named after the MAC address of the machine being imaged. But these files are supposed to be moved to a directory in /images, given a name based on the name of the image. That part isn’t working. I can move the files manually, and then I can download the image again without problems. I understand that the moving of the files is supposed to be done via the FTP server. I can connect to the FTP server, so it is clearly running.
Any suggestions?
RE: Download task failed to create
I reset the permissions of /images and everything under it to 777 (again), and also set the owner and group to root. This seems to have fixed the problem. Not sure why it didn’t work with the first couple of images I created, but it seems to be working now. Thanks for your help everyone
RE: Download task failed to create
No, I’m not sure really. I’ve attached a screenshot from a terminal to the server. I set the permissions and ownership according to another post about FOG that I had found previously when I was investigating why the imaging wasn’t working. It basically suggested setting the ownsership to root and the permissions to 777 for /images and everything in it. /images/P8BMWES7 has different permissions and ownership because it was created manually later.
One detail that may be relevant here is that /images is actualy located on a different drive than the rest of the filesystem. It is located on /dev/sdb1 whereas everything else is on /dev/sda1. That’s because I created a seperate virtual disk for the /images directory so that the images could be backed up and copied around more easily. One consequence of that is that the /images directory was not created by the FOG installation script. It was created when the Ubuntu installation was done. So the permissions and ownership may well be different.
[url=“/_imported_xf_attachments/1/1532_FOG permissions.JPG?:”]FOG permissions.JPG[/url]
RE: Download task failed to create
Thanks, that seems to have worked. I reset the password in Storage Management to my user’s login password on the FOG server, and now I can look at the FOG images. I’ve attached the other screenshot you requested. I also tried FTP into the FOG server using this same password, and that works too
The FOG installation uses a number of different user/password combinations for different things, and it wasn’t clear to me which was needed for FTP.
So that leaves the questions of why the renaming of the temporary directory /images/dev/(MAC address) to /images/P8BMWES7 didn’t happen automatically? And why when I made this change manually FOG still won’t download the image, but displays the red error box?
[url=“/_imported_xf_attachments/1/1531_FOG image.JPG?:”]FOG image.JPG[/url]
RE: Download task failed to create
[quote=“ch3i, post: 39531, member: 2513”]Could you post a screenshot of your image page and host page ?[/quote]
Well, I tried. I seem to have a new problem now. As you can see from the screenshot of the image management page, the “password” password that I set in the storage management config seems to have broken this. And it won’t allow me to reset the password to blank as it was before![ATTACH=full]1529[/ATTACH][ATTACH=full]1530[/ATTACH]
[url=“/_imported_xf_attachments/1/1529_FOG host.JPG?:”]FOG host.JPG[/url][url=“/_imported_xf_attachments/1/1530_FOG images.JPG?:”]FOG images.JPG[/url]
RE: Download task failed to create
[quote=“Junkhacker, post: 39526, member: 21583”]in the storage management section, there’s a management username (default of “fog”) and password stored. see if you can use those credentials to log into the server with an FTP client[/quote]
It appears that there was no password set at first. I tried ftp to the server with a blank password, but that didn’t work. So I set the password to “password” (same as for the TFTP config) using the web UI, and tried again. Same result. I also tried it from the console on the server itself in case there was a firewall problem, but it didn’t help.
There are two “vsftpd” processes running on the server. Would those be the ones Fog is using?
RE: Download task failed to create
[quote=“Junkhacker, post: 39523, member: 21583”]images aren’t supposed to stay in the /images/dev/<mac address> location
after an image is finished being uploaded, it is supposed to moved to /images/<image name>
images are uploaded over NFS and moved afterward with FTP. it sounds like the FTP part failed on your upload[/quote]Any idea why this FTP part might have failed, or suggestions for how I might diagnose the problem?
RE: Download task failed to create
[quote=“ch3i, post: 39522, member: 2513”]Hi,
Your image must be in the /images/P8BMWES7 folder not in /images/dev/10bf484ca18f. The last is a temporary folder for the upload task.
Ch3i.[/quote]Okay, I created that /images/P8BMWES7 directory manually, and copied the image files into it. Then I updated the image entry in the Fog web UI with the new path, and tried to set up the download again. Same result I’m afraid.
Download task failed to create
I’ve just installed FOG 1.2.0 onto a Ubuntu 13.10 64-bit server running as a VirtualBox VM. I’ve run into a problem when attempting to download a previously uploaded image onto a client machine. I get a red box that contains the following error message:
“Download task failed to create for P8B-M with image P8B-M_WES7. To setup download task, you must first upload an image.”
The host name is P8B-M, and the image name is P8B-M_WES7.
The problem is that I DID just upload the image. I can see the files created by the upload in the /images/dev/10bf484ca18f directory on the server. The 10bf484ca18f part corresponds to the MAC address of the client machine. I can see the image under Image Management, and it shows a size of 11.9GiB. But Fog won’t allow me to download it.
Any suggestions?
[url=“/_imported_xf_attachments/1/1528_FOG download error.JPG?:”]FOG download error.JPG[/url]