Hello all,
first of all, sorry for my bad english.
I do my best ;-).
I’ve been testing fogproject for a few days and like it a lot.
I have fogproject running on my unraid server as docker.
Now i am trying to get Hirens boot CD to run.
I followed this great tutorial.
[https://forums.fogproject.org/topic/10944/using-fog-to-pxe-boot-into-your-favorite-installer-images/10](Link Adresse)
When i try to boot a client from it i get the error message:
http://[FogServerIP]/tools/hbcd/boot/bcd... Operation not permitted
Is this a problem with the permissions?
Or something in the parameters?
Here are my parameters
set tftp-path tftp://${fog-ip}
set http-path http://${fog-ip}/tools/hbcd
kernel ${tftp-path}/os/wimboot gui
imgfetch --name bootmgr.exe ${http-path}/bootmgr.exe bootmgr.exe
imgfetch --name bootx64.efi ${http-path}/efi/boot/bootx64.efi bootx64.efi
imgfetch --name BCD ${http-path}/boot/bcd bcd
imgfetch --name boot.sdi ${http-path}/boot/boot.sdi boot.sdi
imgfetch --name boot.wim ${http-path}/sources/boot.wim boot.wim
boot || goto MENU
Thanks in advance