I’m new to FOG and I’m having a bear of a time trying to get what should be a pretty basic thing working–modifying the default storage group to point to remote storage.
Here’s my situation. I’m running FOG in a Virtualbox VM (Ubuntu 12.04) on a Windows 7 platform (will later be moved to a Windows 2008R2 Server after testing). I have a large SMB share on the Windows Server that I want to use for image storage. I’d rather not have to get into setting up NFS on the Window Server for a variety of reasons, so I’ve mounted the SMB share on the FOG server directly (/mnt/win/fogimages). Up to that point everything is fine. The mount works and I can manually see/edit data on the share via command line. The share is mounted such that the fog user is owner with 644 permissions.
Now comes the FOG configuration. Based on a variety of WIKI and other sources here is what I have done to modify the default storage group.
Edit the DefaultMember storage node settings in the web GUI. All I did here was change the “Image Path” to point to “/mnt/win/fogimages”
Updating the /var/www/fog/commons/config.php file with below:
[CODE]define(‘STORAGE_DATADIR’, ‘/mnt/win/fogimages/’);
define(‘STORAGE_DATADIR_UPLOAD’, ‘/mnt/win/fogimages/dev/’);[/CODE]
Updating /etc/exports as such:
[CODE]/mnt/win/fogimages *(ro,sync,no_wdelay,insecure_locks,no_root_squash,insecure,fsid=1)
/mnt/win/fogimages/dev *(rw,sync,no_wdelay,no_root_squash,insecure,fsid=2)[/CODE]
And then restarting NFS services.
So, after all that, the web GUI reflects the proper free space and everything seems to be great. But upon booting a client to upload an image I get the following error:[QUOTE]* Mounting File System…Failed
mount: mounting on /images failed: Permission denied[/QUOTE]
So, just for kicks I tried to mount the FOG NFS share from another Linux machine. No go there either–it just hangs trying to mount.
Can anyone give any direction? All I want to do is use a Windows share for image storage. A variety of blogs seem to have accomplished this in the past, so I don’t know if there is something going on with v1.0.x different than previous versions in this area.