Thanks! but turns out my WOL wasn’t working because I had to update the driver of the NIC card, and then it only works during standby and hibernate… also, my switches were of the unmanaged type, so i didn’t have problems
Posts made by neildaemond
RE: WOL on a switched network
WOL on a switched network
“Wake Up will attempt to send the Wake-On-LAN packet to the computer to turn the computer on. In switched environments, you typically need to configure your hardware to allow for this (iphelper).”
there doesn’t happen to be a guide for this anywhere, is there?
RE: PXE Booting: Fog Menu Flashes for a second then boots HDD
In /tfptboot/pxelinux.cfg/default
I changed
[CODE]TIMEOUT 3000[/CODE]it appears that that timeout value could be in miliseconds~ and only defaulted to 30
EDIT: setting to 3000 gave me 300 seconds, so in 10ths of a second
PXE Booting: Fog Menu Flashes for a second then boots HDD
I Just installed Fog 0.32 to Ubuntu 10.04 LTS server. The only settings I changed so far are:
- changed bind-address in /etc/mysql/my.conf to my IP
- added a password to /var/www/fog/commons/config.php since my mysql root password was set.
accessing works ok.
I have my client PCs connect to the router via switches and my Ubunter server is also connected to the router with static IP of I installed with the following settings:
Distro: Ubuntu Installation Type: Normal Server Server IP Address: DHCP router Address: DHCP DNS Address: Interface: eth0 Using FOG DHCP: 1 Internationalization: 1
Now, I enabled Network Booting on my Client PC, but when I boot, the Fog graphical menu flashes for a second, then skips to the next boot device. I read that I should maybe try booting in text mode, but I wasn’t sure how. Any suggestions?
thanks in advance