Okay, I’ll give that a try as a final attempt of using fog. I have a server ready to go with Server 2008r2 on it to get WDS setup since I’ve had nothing but problems with FOG/Linux since the day I started using it. All of everyone’s help is deeply appreciated.
Latest posts made by NDNtech
RE: Image Download Problem
RE: Image Download Problem
I enabled that feature before I added the images, and when I added them I set them to partimage except for 1 of them which was uploaded using 1.1.2 before I reinstalled Ubuntu.
RE: Image Download Problem
Junkhacker: Permissions to everything under /images are: owner fog and group root
ianabc: I made sure to match the file names exactly, I copy and pasted most of them from the filesystem to the web interface. All of my images except for one are partclone. I only uploaded one after upgrading from .32 to 1.1.2 the first time. All of these images were created over the years and used partimage.
RE: Image Download Problem
To kind of give you more info on what I’ve got, I just did a clean install that you guys helped my with the other day and I had my images backed up to my NFS server and transferred them back over today. I went into FOG and created new images and put the image file locations in so that FOG knew where to look for the images. Did I do something wrong? I don’t really have the machines available to re-upload from, they’re all in production and aren’t clean images anymore.
Image Download Problem
I can upload images fine using partclone and partimage, but when it comes to downloading them, I can’t. Once I initiate the download and ipxe boot, the computer does the typical fog process and downloads the MBR, I think (it’s the part before partclone starts) but then I see the text flash by that says 'Imaging Complete" and it never gets to the partclone screen.
Permissions for my /images folder and all its contents are: fog:root 777
RE: Kernel update 6 hours later
[QUOTE]If it is just being slow then I would agree that it is probably a driver issue, but in one of your other threads you mentioned that you fixed it…
[INDENT=1]I got the problem fixed that made the fog boot menu take forever to load by setting permissions to the tftpboot folder to 777 and the owner is fog and the restarting the xinetd service.[/INDENT]
[INDENT=1]Now when I try to upload/deploy an image, bzimage will not go past 0%.[/INDENT]
Does that workaround no longer work? I mean does it EVER complete or is it just slow?[/QUOTE] -
RE: Kernel update 6 hours later
it seems like the first time I try it it goes somewhat slow. If I try again, it’ll go super slow. That work around proved to be ineffective.
RE: Kernel update 6 hours later
It ended up being a network issue. I just moved the computer to the same switch as the server and it went blazing fast. I’m going to get with the Network Admin and see if we can get this cleared up.
RE: Kernel update 6 hours later
Yes, it gets to the ipxe screen and if it’s going to the menu, it takes forever to load bg.png. If it’s going to the imaging environment it takes forever to load bzimage
RE: Kernel update 6 hours later
Well, I figured out that the kernel issue was for the browser. I was wondering if this was right since it has rather than my IP address