@nasmod OK we have a bit of confusion in your post. We actually have 2 linux machines in this picture. The first is the FOG server.
The second is FOS Linux running on the target computer. The target computer gets its network settings from YOUR network not the FOG server. So its IP address is assigned by the DHCP server. Now if FOG is your dhcp server for this target computer we can talk. If its your enterprise dhcp server doing this then you need to talk to your enterprise group.
The order the dns entries are added are also part of the dhcp server settings. FOS Linux is only adding them in the order they are defined in your dhcp server.
I don’t want you to think I’m saying its not a FOG issue as a matter of deflection, but in this case your infrastructure is telling the FOS Linux about the network, not the fog server.
You made reference to the resolv.conf file, that is on the FOG server. Changing that order or name servers will only impact the ability for the FOG server to look up and ping the target computers, when referenced by name. It will not have an impact on the target computer at all.