@george1421 @Tom-Elliott I tried the IPXE.pxe file and the boot returns a “DHCP failed… rebooting in 12 sec”
i have been trying to understand how the guy got his to work in this thread as well.
Also for shiz and giggles i tried the UEFI boot Even if i have to use it for the time being to get these 25 “2-in-1” done and then go back to the drawing board with one of them and test the bios boot. I used both snponly.efi and snp.efi they both worked. I got to FOG and told it to register the host and it returned the following.

UPDATE*** Changed the bootfile to IPXE.efi and it registered. Going to try to upload an image and I will let you all know what happens.
I have also been reading the thread/how to on the coexistence of uefi and bios booting. I am one of those people who has to deal with a 2008 server soo i will play around with that at a later time for you guys and see what happens. As of right now I would still like to get the BIOS boot files to work with these machines and will continue testing one of the laptops with pxe files, the others however, I am just going to uefi and switch the bootfile back when done