Hi there,
New to installing FOG however I’ve had FOG servers in my network from previous people having set them up. I have 5 buildings and 6 different pools of addresses that I used to work FOG with for pulling/pushing images. I’ve added options 66 & 67 to my DHCP server in order to get FOG to boot which works no problem but when I PXE boot a device i get an infinite loop of sending discover, sending select for (IP address in my server pool of IP’s not where this device is) and an inevitable received DHCP NAK.
Is this something within FOG that I would have to configure to keep my computers from trying to pull IP’s from my server network where FOG is located but rather keep the one that pertains to the subnet they belong on? Further information: FOG is running through a VM on a Hyper-V network on a shared cluster of storage and a NIC team with other servers. The server runs on a .32 network and the one network I’m testing is a .224 network.