I was wondering if anybody has a checklist for setting up FOG in an existing network with proxyDHCP.
I know I am missing something but I am not entirely sure what it is.
System: VituralBox Ubuntu 10.04 running on Mac Mini OS X 10.7.5 Lion Server
FOG: 0.32
FOGServer IP:
DHCP Server:
Default Gateway:
Adapter 1 is in bridged mode
FOG is not serving DHCP or DNS
LTSP is installed
dnsmasq is installed
I used the following documents to configure:
After running this:
[COLOR=#333333][LEFT][FONT=UbuntuMono](cat <<EOF
BOOTPROMPT_OPTIONS=‘quiet splash autoconf=dhcp’
) | sudo tee -a /etc/ltsp/ltsp-update-image.conf
sudo ltsp-update-image --force [/FONT][/LEFT][/COLOR]
I started getting this when I restarted dnsmasq:
[SIZE=5][B][COLOR=#000000][FONT=Ubuntubeta][SIZE=14px]dnsmasq: failed to create listening socket: Address already in use[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR][/B][/SIZE]
Please help. If anybody has been able to get this working and has a checklist for every step of the setup I would really appreciate it.
Thanks for reading!