@Sebastian-Roth I attached the result for our test.
Posts made by Miguel Palacios
RE: Mounting file system: Failed. Uploading my first image
RE: Mounting file system: Failed. Uploading my first image
@george1421 I am in the same situation…
Say you that the FOG server is installed in a virtual machine on VMware ESXi 5.5.0 (3116895)… I don’t know if this detail shed light at problem…
RE: Mounting file system: Failed. Uploading my first image
@Quazz the result for rpcinfo -p
RE: Mounting file system: Failed. Uploading my first image
@Quazz I have executed other new capture task and the error is the same that my first post
On the other hand, of new, I have executed other new capture task (with debug activate) and I have executed the command mount but this again returned the same error.
In the side server, the command exportfs -r continues without show nothign… -
RE: Mounting file system: Failed. Uploading my first image
Hi @Quazz , this command executed in the server not show nothing… is it normal?
RE: Mounting file system: Failed. Uploading my first image
@Sebastian-Roth the problem continues…
RE: Mounting file system: Failed. Uploading my first image
@george1421 and @Sebastian-Roth, the command mount working with itself:
Yes, I have restarted several times, incluse I resintalled the system… U_U
RE: Mounting file system: Failed. Uploading my first image
@Sebastian-Roth Sorry, when I tried write in italics the system “it ate” the asterisk… The /etc/exports seems be correct. Also I show here the output of sudo iptables -L -n -v
RE: Mounting file system: Failed. Uploading my first image
@george1421 this part seems that is correct… The IP is obtained, the PING is successful and the SSH connection is established.
We guess that the problem is on NFS… right? I saw that rpc.svcgssd, a NFS service, is stopped… is this a problem?
Thank for your help!
RE: Mounting file system: Failed. Uploading my first image
@george1421 ok, tell you:
- I have created a new image (NEW-5420)
- I launched a capture task with debug capture
- The laptop has started the FOS shell
- I have tried to run the showmount -e but the shell response this:
bash: showmount: command not found
?? is this possible?
Also I had tried to run the mount /prueba (the path /prueba exist, I had created it this previously) and I get this error:
mount: mounting on /prueba failed: Connection time out
RE: Mounting file system: Failed. Uploading my first image
Hi George,
Thank you for your response.If I execute the command showmount -e, this is the result:
[root@IMG-28V-LMES-20 ~]# showmount -e
Export list for
/images/dev *
/images *It’s looking good but… After when I try to connect, via FOG or linux shell doesn’t work…
The FOG server has two hard disk, one hard disk for SO (30 GB, ext4) and other hard disk for images (4 TB, ext4).
The client and FOG server are in the same subnet (10.6.82.X)
By last, the disable configuration is the next:
SELINUXTYPE=targetedOn the other hand, reading again my first post… I had saw that the rpc.svcgssd is stopped… Is this correct or can this a problem?
Thank you!
Mounting file system: Failed. Uploading my first image
Hi guys,
I am trying upload my first image to my FOG server but… I get this error.My FOG server is installed in a CentOS 6.5, the base version is 1.2.0 and SVN version is 7009.
So are my services:[root@IMG-28V-LMES-20 dev]# service iptables status
iptables: El cortafuegos no está ejecutándose.
[root@IMG-28V-LMES-20 dev]# service nfs status
rpc.svcgssd está parado
Se está ejecutando rpc.mountd (pid 14293)…
Se está ejecutando nfsd (pid 14308 14307 14306 14305 14304 14303 14302 14301)…
Se está ejecutando rpc.rquotad (pid 14289)…
[root@IMG-28V-LMES-20 dev]# service rpcbind status
Se está ejecutando rpcbind (pid 14174)…My internal storage hard disk is mounted in /images:
UUID=“37627050-0f61-4233-8e4f-bba52063d79a” /images ext4 defaults 0 0
This is the file exports:
*/images *(ro,sync,no_wdelay,no_subtree_check,insecure_locks,no_root_squash,insecure,fsid=0)
/images/dev (rw,async,no_wdelay,no_subtree_check,no_root_squash,insecure,fsid=1)And these are the permissions in the images folder:
— drwxrwxrwx 5 fog root 4096 mar 31 12:04 images
------ drwxrwxrwx. 2 fog root 4096 mar 30 16:38 dev
----------- -rwxrwxrwx. 1 fog root 0 mar 30 16:38 .mntcheck
------ drwxrwxrwx 2 fog root 16384 mar 30 14:21 lost+found
------ -rwxrwxrwx. 1 fog root 0 mar 30 16:37 .mntcheck
------ drwxrwxrwx 2 root root 4096 mar 31 12:04 postdownloadscriptsAnd my configuration storage in the FOG web is this…
I had tried follow the instructions for Testing NFS according this manual (https://wiki.fogproject.org/wiki/index.php?title=Troubleshoot_NFS) but the result is the same…
I’m lost…
Thank you guys!
RE: Adding NAS Synology like a node
@george1421 Attached you can find the node configuration, the password is the same that the NAS and FOG_TFTP_FTP_PASSWORD
Thank you.
RE: Adding NAS Synology like a node
@ch3i Hi, We tried setting the node following this manuals but we don’t had succesfully…
Where are we failing?Someone has configured an SYNOLOGY as node?
Thank you!
Adding NAS Synology like a node
Hi guys!
We are trying install a NAS Synology (DS215+) like a node in our FOG server 1.2.0.
We have created a shared folder “images” with 777 UNIX permissions… The user in the node is the same that in the FOG server… and the configuration NFS in the shared folder is the attached (in the fill “Name or IP server” we have tried with static IP server and allow all network).What can we do guys?
Thank you! -
RE: Tips to new FOG server
Hi Joseph,
thanks for you attention. Normally, I use each year about 5-7 images usual more 2-3 images unusual. With this I want say that a same day I can throw three images different in several PCs at the same time, for example. The images have a size of 25-40 GB each and I think that not there compression. The images is done in mode “All disk, all partitions - No resizable” Do you refer to this?In my case, the work the PC’s formated is for batch. One time to week is dedicated to this task and these days can be formatted about 20-30 PCs (equal or not) in several batches, as of today… But in the next months this quantity will double… The idea is can format about 60-70 PCs (equal or not) in a day, in few time.
I wait that these data are helpful to define my need, if need more info… let me know.
Tips to new FOG server
Hi guys,
I’m looking for buy a new server for my FOG server but, before, I will like know some tips for do a good buy. Can you help, please? I need know how work internally FOG, what resources use it and where should I invest more budget…I think that, of course, the disk speed and a good ethernet card with several interfaces (for configured LACP) is important but… what there of RAM and cores? how of important are these components for the FOG? worth invest big part of the budget in a lot of cores and a lot of RAM? I have any doubt about this…
What is your opinion?
I really appreciate your help