I’ve got a big problem with Snapins, if i try to upload an Snapin, it show me this error message:
Type: 2, File: /var/www/html/fog/lib/fog/fogftp.class.php, Line: 107, Message: ftp_login(): Login incorrect., Host: x.x.x. , Username: fog
I know there is a probleme with the password but i never change it, so now i try this one:
Web Interface -> Storage Management -> [Your storage node] -> Management Username & Management Password
Web Interface -> FOG Configuration -> FOG Settings -> TFTP Server -> FOG_TFTP_FTP_USERNAME & FOG_TFTP_FTP_PASSWORD
The local ‘fog’ user’s password on the Linux FOG server
/opt/fog/.fogsettings -> password (For recent FOG Trunk versions only. 1.2.0 does not have this setting. 1.3.0 will though.)
/opt/fog/.fogsettings -> username (For recent FOG Trunk versions only. 1.2.0 does not have this setting. 1.3.0 will though.)
All of those should match (again, on a standard installation).
To change the password of the local fog user:
sudo passwd fog
To edit /opt/fog/.fogsettings:
vi /opt/fog/.fogsettings
but it dosent works for me. Bevor i update FOG it works fine but now i cant upload any Snapins.
Bevor i change all password i copy the old one.
My Second problem is that i cant change the Managemenpassword from the Storagenode.
I use the Github trunk version of fog: Version 7657
I hope some can help me.