Thanks for your speedy reply,
I am currently working with Fog 0.32 on Ubuntu Server 14.04.
I had numerous failed attempts to get Fog 0.33 and iPxe to work on Ubuntu Desktop 12.04, Ubuntu Server 14.04, and CentOS 6.5. I feel like I’m missing some simple step. I am working with an existing DHCP server that I don’t have access to any settings on. It has worked just fine with dnsmasq proxy settings with PXE on tftp in FOG 0.32, but the imaging is slow and can only reliably image one computer at a time.
I have looked through the forums and the wiki many times, as well as elsewhere on the internet to no avail. I’ve tried multiple versions of syslinux files, tried using make or make install on syslinux (which failed everytime), apt-get install syslinux installed a much older version that didn’t work (version 4.xx as I recall), iPxe wouldn’t get past seeing the ip address to boot to and then would simply say TFTP. The closest I came with iPxe was a “iPXE is loading services” message that then quickly disappeared and booted to hard disk before you can see any messages. I’ve also tried different kernels, the stock that comes with the install, the 3.88 core, 3.14.1 made by you, and a custom version of 3.14 too. I could go on and on with my attempts to fix this, but that would take too long.
The apache error log files didn’t have anything regarding PXE errors for me, just some database errors from when I reverted to a default FOG .32 installation and had to set the mysql password in a config file. So I just tried the gPxe method again to see if the apache error logs said anything about it, which they didn’t. I took a picture of the error screen I keep getting and attached it to this message.
This has been quite the headache to figure out, I’m sure there some super simple thing I’m missing to get all this http imaging fun times to work right, perhaps something that’s assumed is already done or that everyone knows and I just didn’t get the memo. Since I have all my images backed up, restarting in a whole new OS isn’t a big deal if it’s necessary. And I would prefer to have it working with FOG 0.33 if you have more advice on that router.
Thanks for the help,
[url=“/_imported_xf_attachments/0/686_fog gpxe.jpg?:”]fog gpxe.jpg[/url]