Hi everyone, thanks in advance for taking the time to help.
I just created and modified a new windows 10 image for netbooting onto some new machines. After trying to install through PXE I got a blocker error saying “Invalid operating system ID: Windows (Other) (4)!”
I used Windows (other) because 10 wasn’t on the list. I figured upgrading fog (since it’s on 1.00 / 1.01 here) might give the 10 option which would solve the problem (or at least lead me closer to the real one). I ran the fogupdater.sh file in /utils/FOGUpdater and got an error: “-ne Checking running version: Unable to determine current version.”
I am not sure where to go from here. Should I save the configuration and do a fresh install of FOG? There’s no information written down from the original volunteer in my position 
Oddly, fog is installed in /opt/fog and /opt/fog1.01, I ran the updater from the 1.01 folder yet some of the configuration files use /opt/fog when I check the web interface. The fog being used is the 1.00 version (so says the text in PXE when run) (there is no updater in the /opt/fog folder (which I imagine is 1.00)
Thank you!