Freeport, Maine US
Posts made by Matthew Carter
RE: Optiplex390 rebooting loop, can't do NIC as first boot option
The nic doesnt have to be first. On a dell be at the machine ir have the user there and hit f12 and select nic as boot device. Ensure you also have the latest bios.
RE: Fog server dhcp issues
AFAIK, you only have two options. Either dhcp server or a client that will allow you to modify pxe in bios. Problem is that this starts pre-OS. You need some way of handing out ips to specific macs before the OS even loads.
A dhcp server configuration page
Something similar to what webmin has. I mean if your software is going to go so far as ask if I want one installed, we might as well manage it from fog. Also fog seems to be quite a bit more than a cloning server. Why not?
RE: Centos 6.2 installationApache error..
Check /etc/hosts for your hostname.
Check /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf or other apache conf file for this directive:
ServerName [url=“”][/url]
Check /etc/sysconfig/network for the :
HOSTNAME= xxxxxx directiveSomewhere you haven’t defined your machines hostname and apache is saying, “ok fine, we’re ‘localhost’ then . . .”
RE: CentOS Install
Install fog
[B]In the src directory previously created:[/B]
[I]wget [url][/url][/I][B]Unpack:[/B]
[I]tar xfz fog_0.32.tar.gz[/I][B]cd into fog[/B]
[I]cd fog*[/I][B]remove UDPCast from bin/[/B]
[I]vi bin/[/I][B]edit lib/redhat/[/B]
[I]vi lib/redhat/[/I][B]Adjust install script:[/B]
[I]remove php-gettext[/I]
[I]change clamav-update to clamav[/I]
[I]freshcron=“/usr/bin/freshclam”[/I][B]install rpcbind[/B]
[I]yum install rpcbind[/I][B]go to the install directory[/B]
[I]cd bin[/I][B]run installer:[/B]
[I]sh[/I]###ONCE COMPLETE###
[B]Connect to MySQL[/B]
[I]mysql -u root -p[/I][B]Create user and give perms:[/B]
[I]CREATE USER ‘fog’@‘localhost’ IDENTIFIED BY ‘password’;[/I][B]flush the buffers:[/B]
[I]flush privileges;[/I][B]exit:[/B]
[I]exit;[/I][B]Edit /opt/fog/service/etc/config.php[/B]
[I]vi /opt/fog/service/etc/config.php[/I][B]Edit:[/B]
[I]define( “MYSQL_HOST”, ""localhost );[/I]
[I]define( “MYSQL_DATABASE”, “” );[/I]
[I]define( “MYSQL_USERNAME”, “” );[/I]
[I]define( “MYSQL_PASSWORD”, “” );[/I][B]Edit /var/www/html/fog/commons/config.php:[/B]
[I]vi /var/www/html/fog/commons/config.php[/I][B]Edit:[/B]
[I]define( “MYSQL_HOST”, “localhost” );[/I]
[I]define( “MYSQL_DATABASE”, “fog” );[/I]
[I]define( “MYSQL_USERNAME”, “root” );[/I]
[I]define( “MYSQL_PASSWORD”, “root_password” );[/I][B]Edit /etc/php.ini and insert:[/B]
[I]date.timezone = “America/New_York”[/I][B]Download UDPCast from repoforge repository:[/B]
[I]wget [url][/url][/I][B]Install:[/B]
[I]rpm -Uvh udpcast-20110710-1.el6.rf.x86_64.rpm[/I][B]Setup fog for udpcasting:[/B]
[I]vi /opt/fog/service/etc/config.php[/I][B]Change:[/B]
[I]define( “UPDSENDERPATH”, “/usr/sbin/udp-sender” );[/I][B]Goto localhost/fog:[/B]
[I]Install db[/I][B]Then connect to mysql:[/B]
[I]mysql -u root -p[/I][B]Add user to db:[/B]
.* TO ‘fog’@‘localhost’ IDENTIFIED BY ‘password’;[/I][B]flush out buffers:[/B]
[I]flush privileges;[/I][B]exit:[/B]
[I]exit;[/I][B]Edit /opt/fog/service/etc/config.php[/B]
[I]vi /opt/fog/service/etc/config.php[/I][B]Edit:[/B]
[I]define( “MYSQL_HOST”, ""localhost );[/I]
[I]define( “MYSQL_DATABASE”, “fog” );[/I]
[I]define( “MYSQL_USERNAME”, “fog” );[/I]
[I]define( “MYSQL_PASSWORD”, “password” );[/I][B]Edit /var/www/html/fog/commons/config.php[/B]
[I]vi /var/www/html/fog/commons/config.php[/I][B]Edit:[/B]
[I]define( “MYSQL_HOST”, “localhost” );[/I]
[I]define( “MYSQL_DATABASE”, “fog” );[/I]
[I]define( “MYSQL_USERNAME”, “fog” );[/I]
[I]define( “MYSQL_PASSWORD”, “password” );[/I][B]restart Fog Services[/B]
[I]/etc/init.d/FOGImageReplicator restart ;/etc/init.d/FOGMulticastManager restart ; /etc/init.d/FOGScheduler restart[/I][B]restart apache[/B]
[I]service httpd restart[/I][B]restart mysql[/B]
[I]service mysqld restart[/I][B]Label both partitions for out OS:[/B]
[I]e2label /dev/sda1 /images[/I]
[I]e2label /dev/sda2 /storage[/I][B]Add to fstab:[/B]
[I]LABEL=/images /images ext3 defaults 0 0[/I]
[I]LABEL=/storage /storage ext3 defaults 0 0[/I][B]Mount the directories:[/B]
[I]mount /images[/I]
[I]mount /storage[/I][B]Create the dev directory on /images[/B]
[I]mkdir /images/dev[/I][B]Create the mntcheck files[/B]
[I]touch /images/.mntcheck /images/dev/.mntcheck[/I][B]Change permissions[/B]
[I]chown -R fog.root /images[/I][B]Restart FOG Services[/B]
[I]/etc/init.d/FOGImageReplicator restart ;/etc/init.d/FOGMulticastManager restart ; /etc/init.d/FOGScheduler restart[/I][B]Change firewall settings:[/B]
[I]vi /etc/sysconfig/iptables[/I][B]Add to top:[/B]
[I]-A INPUT -p tcp --dport 20 -j ACCEPT[/I]
[I]-A INPUT -p tcp --dport 21 -j ACCEPT[/I]
[I]-A INPUT -p udp --dport 69 -j ACCEPT[/I]
[I]-A INPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT[/I]
[I]-A INPUT -p tcp --dport 111 -j ACCEPT[/I]
[I]-A INPUT -p udp --dport 111 -j ACCEPT[/I]
[I]-A INPUT -p tcp --dport 443 -j ACCEPT[/I]
[I]-A INPUT -p tcp --dport 2049 -j ACCEPT[/I]
[I]-A INPUT -p udp --dport 2049 -j ACCEPT[/I]
[I]-A INPUT -p udp --dport 1024:65535 -j ACCEPT[/I]
[I]-A INPUT -p udp --dport 1024:65535 -j ACCEPT[/I][B]reload iptables:[/B]
[I]service iptables restart[/I][B]TO FIX SELINUX ERRORS:[/B]
[B]Fix selinux policy by installing:[/B]
[I]yum install policycoreutils-python[/I][B]Find selinux tftpd issues:[/B]
[I]grep tftpd_t /var/log/audit/audit.log | audit2allow -M tftplocal[/I][B]Install by running:[/B]
[I]semodule -i tftplocal.pp[/I]