Best posts made by matijn
Active Multi-cast Tasks 'In-Progress, status 0'', while Active tasks ended.
- Multcast job sent for 21 machines;
- all 21 machine run smooth through the multicast job process;
- after sending another multicast job to deploy the same image, the imaging process doesn’t start transfer of the image.
Mutlicast log:
== Released under GPL Version 3 ==
[08-08-18 10:39:17 am] Interface Ready with IP Address:
[08-08-18 10:39:17 am] Interface Ready with IP Address:
[08-08-18 10:39:17 am] Interface Ready with IP Address:
[08-08-18 10:39:17 am] Interface Ready with IP Address: fog
[08-08-18 10:39:17 am] * Starting MulticastManager Service
[08-08-18 10:39:17 am] * Checking for new items every 10 seconds
[08-08-18 10:39:17 am] * Starting service loop
[08-08-18 10:39:18 am] * No tasks found!
[08-08-18 10:39:27 am] | Task (27) Multi-Cast Task is new!
[08-08-18 10:39:28 am] | Task (27) /images/xxxxx image file found.
[08-08-18 10:39:28 am] | Task (27) Multi-Cast Task 21 clients found.
[08-08-18 10:39:28 am] | Task (27) Multi-Cast Task sending on base port: 59814.
[08-08-18 10:39:28 am] | Command: /usr/local/sbin/udp-sender --interface ens160 --min-receivers 21 --max-wait 360 --portbase 59814 --full-duplex --ttl 32 --nokbd --nopointopoint --file /images/xxxxx/d1p1.img;/usr/local/sbin/udp-sender --interface ens160 --min-receivers 21 --max-wait 10 --portbase 59814 --full-duplex --ttl 32 --nokbd --nopointopoint --file /images/20180731-HPpav/d1p2.img;
[08-08-18 10:39:28 am] | Task (27) Multi-Cast Task has started!
[08-08-18 10:39:37 am] | Task (27) Multi-Cast Task is already running with pid: 3107.FOG 1.5.4
php fpm settings setupdate:
Manual ‘cancel’ of Active Multi Task - In-Progess , status 0 - will do.update 2:
Seems to be fixed after one time, cancel of active multi tasks.
I did before a database cleanup (cause: php fpm settings not set);
DEL * FROMmulticastSessions
DEL* FROMmulticastSessionsAssoc
DEL* FROMtasks
RE: Dell Precision Tower 5820 - FlexBay MiniSAS PCIe NVMe SSD not recognized
What I understand, out of dell 5820 owners manual: is Optical Disk Drive. Maybe wrong assembly.
I can confirm, capture and deploy task, no issue. OK.
I will update this on the hardware id question…