@Sebastian-Roth Okay, managed to find it
Posts made by lsdingo
RE: database created problem
its Version 1.5.5
and I don’t have these options. I went to fog settings and expended all.
I ticked ‘TASKING ADV DEBUG ENABLED’ but I think this is not it.
please advise mate
regards -
RE: database created problem
@Sebastian-Roth Hey,
how would I check which version I have? I installed the latest stable version.
also I don’t have the option for debuggingshrugs
RE: database created problem
Hey I actually tried installing it on a different machine (Ubuntu 16.04) this time
which obviously works better but I’m still having what I believe issues that related to the database (not really sure though)I get: db cant open /etc/target
and also could not find partitions /bin/fog.uploadalso some /var/log/syslog from the fog server:
I’ve checked in google and saw that just changing the path in the configuration files should maybe do it but none said which conf file I should edit.
could you please advise ?
fond regards,
Tal -
RE: database created problem
rhel 6.10 server I just got it from the git repo
I think I will use centos 6.10 instead -
database created problem
Hello folks,
I got this message in the installation:- You still need to install/update your database schema.
- This can be done by opening a web browser and going to:
- I did what it said
and right after it gave me error:
The following errors occurred Update ID: 16 Database Error: Failed to query: Error: SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1558 Column count of mysql.user is wrong. Expected 42, found 39. Created with MySQL 50173, now running 50562. Please use mysql_upgrade to fix this error. Error Message: Error Code: "HY000", Error Message: ["HY000",1558,"Column count of mysql.user is wrong. Expected 42, found 39. Created with MySQL 50173, now running 50562. Please use mysql_upgrade to fix this error."], Debug: SQL: [70] GRANT ALL ON `fog`.* TO 'fogstorage'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'fs73755703850' Params: 0 Variable contains: Array ( [0] => ALTER TABLE `tasks` ADD COLUMN `taskBPM` varchar(250) NOT NULL AFTER `taskPCT`, ADD COLUMN `taskTimeElapsed` varchar(250) NOT NULL AFTER `taskBPM`, ADD COLUMN `taskTimeRemaining` varchar(250) NOT NULL AFTER `taskTimeElapsed`, ADD COLUMN `taskDataCopied` varchar(250) NOT NULL AFTER `taskTimeRemaining`, ADD COLUMN `taskPercentText` varchar(250) NOT NULL AFTER `taskDataCopied`, ADD COLUMN `taskDataTotal` VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL AFTER `taskPercentText` [1] => CREATE TABLE `nfsGroups` (`ngID` integer NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,`ngName` varchar(250) NOT NULL,`ngDesc` longtext NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY (`ngID`)) ENGINE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=1 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC [2] => CREATE TABLE `nfsGroupMembers` (`ngmID` integer NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,`ngmMemberName` varchar(250) NOT NULL,`ngmMemberDescription` longtext NOT NULL,`ngmIsMasterNode` char NOT NULL,`ngmGroupID` integer NOT NULL,`ngmRootPath` longtext NOT NULL,`ngmIsEnabled` char NOT NULL,`ngmHostname` varchar(250) NOT NULL,`ngmMaxClients` integer NOT NULL,`ngmUser` varchar(250) NOT NULL,`ngmPass` varchar(250) NOT NULL,`ngmKey` varchar(250) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`ngmID`),INDEX `new_index`(`ngmMemberName`),INDEX `new_index2`(`ngmIsMasterNode`),INDEX `new_index3`(`ngmGroupID`),INDEX `new_index4`(`ngmIsEnabled`)) ENGINE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=1 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC [3] => ALTER TABLE `images` ADD COLUMN `imageNFSGroupID` integer NOT NULL AFTER `imageDD`,ADD INDEX `new_index3`(`imageNFSGroupID`) [4] => ALTER TABLE `tasks` ADD COLUMN `taskNFSGroupID` integer NOT NULL AFTER `taskDataTotal`,ADD COLUMN `taskNFSMemberID` integer NOT NULL AFTER `taskNFSGroupID`,ADD COLUMN `taskNFSFailures` char NOT NULL AFTER `taskNFSMemberID`,ADD COLUMN `taskLastMemberID` integer NOT NULL AFTER `taskNFSFailures`,ADD INDEX `new_index5`(`taskNFSGroupID`),ADD INDEX `new_index6`(`taskNFSMemberID`),ADD INDEX `new_index7`(`taskNFSFailures`),ADD INDEX `new_index8`(`taskLastMemberID`) [5] => CREATE TABLE `nfsFailures` (`nfID` integer NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,`nfNodeID` integer NOT NULL,`nfTaskID` integer NOT NULL,`nfHostID` integer NOT NULL,`nfGroupID` integer NOT NULL,`nfDateTime` integer NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY (`nfID`),INDEX `new_index`(`nfNodeID`),INDEX `new_index1`(`nfTaskID`),INDEX `new_index2`(`nfHostID`),INDEX `new_index3`(`nfGroupID`)) ENGINE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=1 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC [6] => ALTER TABLE `nfsFailures` MODIFY COLUMN `nfDateTime` datetime NOT NULL,ADD INDEX `new_index4`(`nfDateTime`) [7] => ALTER TABLE `multicastSessions` CHANGE `msAnon2` `msNFSGroupID` integer NOT NULL, ADD INDEX `new_index`(`msNFSGroupID`) [8] => INSERT IGNORE INTO `nfsGroups` (`ngName`,`ngDesc`) VALUES ('default','Auto generated fog nfs group') [9] => INSERT IGNORE INTO `nfsGroupMembers` (`ngmMemberName`,`ngmMemberDescription`,`ngmIsMasterNode`,`ngmGroupID`,`ngmRootPath`,`ngmIsEnabled`,`ngmHostname`,`ngmMaxClients`,`ngmUser`,`ngmPass`) VALUES ('DefaultMember','Auto generated fog nfs group member','1','1','/images/','1','','10','fog','WrsSWg+LnzloyFzRCluWZz5Eh+VZ/YEvxrnTAFZH5Qo=') [10] => UPDATE `images` set imageNFSGroupID = '1' [11] => DELETE FROM `globalSettings` WHERE `settingKey` IN ('FOG_NFS_HOST','FOG_NFS_FTP_USERNAME','FOG_NFS_FTP_PASSWORD','FOG_NFS_DATADIR','FOG_NFS_DATADIR_CAPTURE') [12] => INSERT IGNORE INTO `globalSettings` (`settingKey`,`settingDesc`,`settingValue`,`settingCategory`) VALUES ('FOG_STORAGENODE_MYSQLUSER','This setting defines the username the storage nodes should use to connect to the fog server.','fogstorage','FOG Storage Nodes'),('FOG_STORAGENODE_MYSQLPASS','This setting defines the password the storage nodes should use to connect to the fog server.','fs73755703850','FOG Storage Nodes') [13] => GRANT ALL ON `fog`.* TO 'fogstorage'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'fs73755703850' [14] => UPDATE `schemaVersion` set `vValue`='16' ) Database SQL: GRANT ALL ON `fog`.* TO 'fogstorage'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'fs73755703850'
any help ? I’m confused
Fond regards,