Still no luck. I am using a VM so I wiped it out and started over. Completely stock 16.04 install, nothing but SSH installed. Installed subversion, then
svn co /root/fogproject
Ran the install from /root/fogproject/bin with:
php_ver='7.0' php_verAdds='-7.0' ./
It never asked me for a password for the MySQL install so I assume it is blank when the install script asks me if it is. When I get to the part where it says to go to the browser and hit a button, I do this first from another ssh session:
"ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY '';
Then go to the browser and hit the button.
Then I copy my disk images from my original server.
After that I download the database backup from my original server. It says it’s running version 7909, and import them into the new server.
Am I running into issues with my backup?
Alternatively, would I be better off running a different version of Ubuntu? Which one? Which version of Fog is the safest? This whole thing started when I got some PC’s that would not boot off the kernel that 0.32 had. I was perfectly happy with that version and everything worked and was rock-solid. I just want to be able to multicast again.