@Quazz @kmstory
I do this already… here is my menu entry.

menu DBAN Nuke Menu item autonuke AutoNuke DoD 3-Pass item zero AutoNuke 1-Pass Zero Wipe item choose-disk Single Disk Selection item return Back to top menu... item choose --default return --timeout 10000 target && goto ${target} :autonuke kernel http://${fog-ip}/dban/dban.bzi nuke="dwipe --autonuke" silent vga=785 boot || goto failed :zero kernel http://${fog-ip}/dban/dban.bzi nuke="dwipe --autonuke --method zero" silent vga=785 boot || goto failed :choose-disk kernel http://${fog-ip}/dban/dban.bzi nuke="dwipe" silent vga=785 boot || goto failed :return chain ${boot-url}/service/ipxe/boot.php?mac=${net0/mac} || prompt goto MENU

As you can probably tell, from that menu, I have the DBAN iso extracted to this folder /var/www/html/dban/

Try it out… Works wonders for me.