found it.
Its a HUGE GREEN BUTTON so ive no idea how I missed it. Thanks
found it.
Its a HUGE GREEN BUTTON so ive no idea how I missed it. Thanks
where am I looking though? I assumed it was on the client (right click on the fogtray) but nothing appears when I right click on the fogrtray icon (the old one used to bring up refresh printers etc). I also looked in the GUI under “host management” for the host and saw nothing relating to clear encryption data.
Ive searched on the forums but cannot find a “location” for the button. sorry to be a pain.
seems to make no difference, PIGZ 0 actually slowed down to 300. so ive bumped it to 6 with 4 cores and 4gb ram and will simply live with a 40 min upload. Imaging was quicker though, imaged at about 3gb/min, old partimage was about 2gb/min
as for the server, htop is telling me that neither of the 2 cores are being taxed at all so the server probably could live with 1 core (im not starved of cores so not an issue for me).
Where do I find the clear encryption data button? I have removed the old fog client from existing hosts, installed the newer one (0.9.5) and cannot use the hostnamechanged (coming back with “invalid security token”). From what I read in the forums I need to click “clear encryption data” but have no idea where that is?
SQL config from 1.2.0 imported just fine. Database upgraded and everything is good. PIGZ set at 2 and upload speed appears to have stayed the same. I’ll give the hyper-v guest a few more cores and see if that makes a difference.
Weird. Reinstall worked fine. Time to see if the import SQL works from 1.2.0 production , watch this space…
I tried copying bzImage and 32 from production 1.2 but that just stopped after the RAMDISK: EOF errors (as above). I’ll try a reinstall.
fresh install of centos6.7 with svn trunk installation (cloud says 5293). Server is a hyper-v guest. I have not yet imported settings from my live FOG, this is a “freshly installed” - I did add a test image (not uploaded yet) as I gathered something must be there to begin with.
PXE booting another hyper-v guest gives the following after choosing “full host registration and inventory” (ipxe loads fine)
any ideas?
Another consideration on hyper-v is integration services. Ubuntu is not very integration services friendly (NIC and SMP issues mainly). Centos is a better choice for hyper-v guests.
I have a fresh centos VM install that I can use, i’ll have a look today and install SVN trunk from scratch. There could well have been something in the SQL backup restore that SVN didn’t like. I’ll post in a fresh thread so that this doesn’t get polluted too much.
I did try to upgrade to SVN trunk but that brought nothing but errors and woe for me. I had INPUT/OUTPUT ipxe errors on client boot, it hung on sending inventory to server, http500 errors when I tried to manually check a mac via HTTP, “getbanner()” PHP errors in the console so in effect I gave it up as a bad one as I don’t have time to strip down and reinstall from scratch (I attempted to upgrade a working 1.2.0 to SVN trunk) at the moment (i’ll have a go installing from SVN trunk at some point and import the SQL configuration when I get a chance - I need to really as im running at about 600Mb/min on PIGZ 3 which is way slower than the old partimage 0.32 of close to 2Gb/Min I was used to)
I’ll do that again some time…
Ironically, SVN trunk calls bg.png from BootMenu.class.php, would that cause an issue? (I tried commenting that out in my failed attempt but since I was getting http500 errors on http mac ipxe calls then this wasn’t the real problem I was having)
Apologies for grave digging but this seemed to be the best thread for the same issue (I searched on google and on the forum but couldn’t find a homogeneous solution. Anyway for others searching the same issue. I too had FOG 1.2 working fine on physical hardware but my hyper-v VMs were throwing up “could not boot” errors. This is indeed due to a change needed in /fog/lib/fog/BootMenu.class.php - hyper-v cannot render the bg.png apparently.
for me, the line print "console --picture $this->booturl/ipxe/bg.png needed commenting out. Or you can make it conditional (on mac address)
if (substr($_REQUEST[‘mac’],0,8)==“00:15:5d”){
print “# Hyper-V MAC address detected - no console background\n”;
} else {
print "console --picture $this->booturl/ipxe/bg.png --left 100 --right 80\n";
Again sorry for grave digging but since this is top of the google tree then hopefully this can help someone else.